LightbulbFill in the blanks. Text from the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders. Answers there or in comments.

DSM-IV-TR states that the symptoms of an adjustment disorder must appear within [ANSWER  A (AN AMOUNT OF TIME)] of a stressor; and that they must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1) the distress is [ANSWER B] than what would be expected in response to that particular stressor; 2) the patient experiences significant impairment in social relationships or in occupational or academic settings. Moreover, the symptoms cannot represent [ANSWER C], as normally experienced after the death of a loved one.

DSM-IV-TR specifies six subtypes of adjustment disorder, each with its own predominant symptoms:

* [ANSWER D1]: The chief manifestations are feelings of sadness and depression, with a sense of accompanying hopelessness. The patient may be tearful and have uncontrollable bouts of crying.

* [ANSWER D2]: The patient is troubled by feelings of apprehension, nervousness, and worry. He or she may also feel jittery and unable to control his or her thoughts of doom. Children with this subtype may express fears of separation from parents or other significant people, and refuse to go to sleep alone or attend school.

* [ANSWER D3]: The patient has a combination of symptoms from the previous two subtypes.

* [ANSWER D4]: This subtype involves such noticeable behavioral changes as shoplifting, truancy, reckless driving, aggressive outbursts, or sexual promiscuity. The patient disregards the rights of others or previously followed rules of conduct with little concern, guilt or remorse.

* [ANSWER D5]: With mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct: The patient exhibits sudden changes in behavior combined with feelings of depression or anxiety. He or she may feel or express guilt about the behavior, but then repeat it shortly thereafter.

* [ANSWER D6]: This subtype covers patients who are adjusting poorly to stress but who do not fit into the other categories. These patients may complain of physical illness and pull away from social contact.

January 3, 2010
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