DSM-5It's official, DSM-5 has been approved.  Big changes are summarized at the link.  What's this mean for the social work licensing exam?  For the moment, not too much.  The ASWB says the test will stay the same till July, 2015.  So, if you're planning on taking an ASWB-administered exam before July, 2015, study the DSM-IV-TR as if nothing's happened.   

Californians have to get ready sooner. The CA-BBS website reports DSM-5 will begin appearing on California's licensing exams in December, 2014. This is true only for LCSW-hopefuls in California.

Note: The California BBS plans an eventual switch--possibly in January, 2016--to a combination of the national ASWB exam and a California-specific Law & Ethics exam. Check back in this space for details.

(UPDATED 4/3/14)

December 3, 2012
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