QuizName that treatment:

A cognitive-behavioral therapy technique for treating phobias and other fear- and anxiety-related problems, _______________ presents the patient with progressively stronger, more frightening stimuli at his or her own pace until he or she habituates (is desensitized) to the stimulus.

Text from (a lost page on) PsychCentral.  Read up here on Healthline.

Need a hint? It's one of these CBT interventions:

Cognitive Restructuring: Identifying and challenging negative thought patterns (cognitive distortions) and replacing them with more balanced and realistic thoughts.

Behavioral Activation: Encouraging clients to engage in positive and rewarding activities to counteract feelings of depression and low motivation.

Exposure Therapy: Gradually and safely confronting feared situations or triggers to reduce anxiety and desensitize the emotional response.

Relaxation Techniques: Teaching clients relaxation methods, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness, to manage stress and anxiety.

Problem-Solving Skills Training: Assisting clients in developing effective problem-solving strategies to address life challenges and reduce feelings of helplessness.

Activity Scheduling: Structuring daily routines and activities to improve time management and overall well-being.

Social Skills Training: Helping clients improve their interpersonal skills and communication to enhance relationships and reduce social anxiety.

Thought Records: Keeping track of negative thoughts, examining evidence for and against them, and developing more balanced perspectives.

Graded Task Assignment: Breaking down overwhelming tasks into smaller, manageable steps to build confidence and reduce avoidance behavior.

Role-Playing: Practicing new skills or behaviors in simulated scenarios to improve social and communication skills.

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December 7, 2012
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