woman, photographed from behind, holding fists triumphantly in the airAs you prepare for to pass the ASWB exam, check out this  Self-Assessment Tool for Diagnosing Difficulties in Passing Licensure Examinations by social worker, study-book writer, Dr. Dawn Apgar. A quick sample:

[S]ome questions which may be used as indicators for problem identification.

Lack of Knowledge
1. Are there words or terms that are unfamiliar?

1. Are you clear about what is being asked in the question after having read it in its
2. Are you staying with the material in the question?
3. Is it difficult for you to locate qualifiers and key words?
4. Do you have trouble prioritizing answers?
5. Are you confused about who is the target of the intervention in the question
when multiple consumers are mentioned?

1. Do you feel rushed for time?
2. Do you notice any physical, emotional, or cognitive reactions when you are
preparing for or taking the examination?

To join social workers using SWTP to conquer the LMSW exam, sign up.  More details here.  Good luck on the exam!


December 30, 2012