social work podcast listeners Another podcast to add to the list of possibly helpful exam prep audio: Social Work Matters from the Columbia University School of Social Work. The latest episode is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Social Work. From the background info on the page, this helpful exam-preppy summary:

What is DBT? The answer to that question requires going into the history of this form of psychotherapy. The developer, Marsha Linehan, was interested in helping suicidal youth. She had originally trained as a behavior therapist, but after noting the futility of going in and telling patients how to fix their problems, went back to the drawing board. Unwilling to settle for a simple acceptance strategy, she decided to develop a treatment that would strike the balance between patients feeling accepted and taking steps to change their behavior.

Previous episodes cover social work topics that are not as likely to show up on the exam (e.g., the Trayvon Martin case), but still worth a listen if you've got the time.

Good luck on the exam!

November 13, 2013
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