francine pass reportSubj: I Passed!

I have recently taken my exam and passed! Your exams were a helpful tool. What I found to be most useful is exposure to content I may not have come across in my own studying and being able to take a comparable exam for 4 hours. By taking multiple practice tests it allowed me to get a general idea of how long it would take me to complete 170 questions on test day. I also became very familiar with ethics, which I feel helped me on my test. Additionally, I took one test and did not review or change any answers and then I took another test and went back, reviewed, and changed answers and realized I was much better off trusting my gut and keeping my first answers. I also really liked how you gave explanations not only for the right answer, but for why the other answers were incorrect.

Thank you for helping me pass my license exam on the first try!



Congratulations, Francine, and all recently licensed social workers!

Ready to get licensed? Get started with SWTP exams (and get a free study guide) by signing up!

December 16, 2015
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