attachmentHow are you on John Bowlby? Knowing some basic Bowlby is wise as you approach the social work licensing exam. Good news: it's relatively simple, and probably already built in to your understanding of how people work. His revolutionary idea: attachment is a crucial component of human experience and healthy development. That ruffled Freudian feathers back in the day. Today, careful attention to attachment and attachment patterns rooted in early experience is second nature to most social workers.

YouTube has tutorials on Bowlby aplenty to get you up to speed. Here's one:

And here's reading on the specifics of John Bowlby and attachment theory. More than you need to know for the exam, but worth digging into. Enjoy and good luck on the exam!

Celebrate John Bowlby's birthday (2/26!) by using coupon code BOWLBY10 to save an additional ten percent on SWTP exams, a la carte or bundled.  The code is good through the week. Encounter questions and rationales about attachment and much more. Sign up to get started.

February 25, 2015
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