get aswb exam practiceHere are more responses from the recent user survey question, "What do you like most about the site? What have you found most helpful?"

The ease of studying and the fact the study questions were a mirror image of the test questions on actual exam.

It's easy to move through.

Explanations of the answers/rationales.

The study links to the questions I missed were very helpful!

The variety of competencies covered.

Simple and realistic!


What I find the most helpful about the prep tests offered on this site is the rationale given after each question. They allow you to understand why the answer is correct as opposed to just seeing a correct answer. This helps tremendously for a critical thinking type test like this.

I have found the rationales most beneficial in my studying process.

The resources after you take the test.

The questions were fantastic but it was the resources that were the most beneficial.

We'll get some of them onto the testimonials page eventually. In the meantime, congratulations all! To get started with SWTP practice exams, sign up!

September 21, 2015