It's always great to get emails like these!  lcsw pass sheet


I received an email that my subscription is expiring, which is OK because I passed the exam! I took it 4/5/16 and passed the first time, SWTP practice exams helped A LOT.


Megan Brown, LCSW

Congratulations, Megan, and all recently licensed social workers!

Hope you'll share you're pass sheet picture (or pass sheet selfie--you and your pass sheet) when you pass! Sharing a celebratory picture encourages and motivates others who are preparing for the social work licensing exam. By sharing, you foster a sense of community among test-takers, allowing those yet-to-pass to borrow some hope and optimism, ultimately increasing their chances of success. A good deed!

Email us to share your good news. To get started with SWTP practice exams, sign up!

June 20, 2016
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