Happy young woman sitting on the floor with crossed legs and using laptop on gray backgroundSave us from stock photos! We want real SWTP users in real pictures of studying and pass celebrating to use on and around the site. Have any? Send them in and we'll send you some spending money ($20 per!). [Price updated.] Here's the deal:

You: A proud social worker who is using or has used Social Work Test Prep to prepare for the licensing exam.

Us: Glad you're using or used Social Work Test Prep!

Offer: Send us a reasonably high-quality picture or video that shows off SWTP.  You happily studying with SWTP. You celebrating post-exam--maybe jumping up and down screaming, waving your pass sheet in the air, dancing a victory dance.  Something that demonstrates SWTP and studying joy and/or exam success. (Please make sure you own the complete rights to whatever you send.)

We'll select the best submissions and send winners a thank you--$35 for each item we end up using!

This will cost us lots more than using stock photos like "Happy young woman sitting on the floor with crossed legs and using laptop on gray background," but we think it will be worth it.

Send your submissions to info@socialworktestprep.com.  Thanks in advance!

March 18, 2016