Ready to pass the social work licensing exam?

The most sure-fire way of making that happen is taking full-length, real-time practice tests. And that's exactly what we've got. Check out SWTP's exams here. And remember this code: CYBER20 

The code will save you an additional 20% off our ASWB exam practice tests. Be sure to hit the green arrows next to the coupon box to see the discount register. That will dip the price on our complete bundle to less that 128 bucks! Five complete exams plus two boosters (950+ questions) for that price--pretty sure that's unbeatable. Prep with a little extra hop in your step, knowing that you saved.

Put CYBER20 to use now. The code expires Tuesday night.

Happy Cyber Monday, happy studying, and good luck on the exam!

November 27, 2017
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