ashley passed the social work exam I passed my exam!! Thank you for all the additional help and providing such wonderful materials to help with the studying. I took this exam 5 times and finally used this test prep. I felt like it helped the most. Thank you! 

Congratulations, Ashley!


Some reasons to be optimistic as a repeat test-taker using SWTP:

  • Improved Study Approach: With each attempt, you may refine your study strategies, focusing on areas of weakness and using the SWTP resources effectively.
  • Greater Familiarity: Multiple attempts allow you to become more familiar with the exam format and types of questions, reducing test anxiety.
  • Resilience: Your determination and resilience to try again after previous attempts demonstrate your commitment to passing the exam and to the social work profession.
  • Learning from Mistakes: Each previous attempt provides valuable insights into areas needing improvement and areas where you were already strong.
  • SWTP Support: Utilizing SWTP provides you with valuable study materials and practice tests, helping you build confidence and readiness.
  • Reduced Pressure: As you approached the xth attempt, you may feel less pressure or anxiety, leading to a more focused and relaxed mindset during the exam.

Feeling ready to finally pass the social work licensing exam?

Get started by choosing exams here.

April 26, 2018
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