charlayna with pass sheet I didn't pass the first time studying from a workbook and was extremely nervous the entire exam. However, after using this site before retaking the test, I was more confident going in and passed with no problem!! Thank you!

Congratulations, Charlayna!


The subject line to Charlayna's email was "Post exam bliss." Who doesn't want to feel that? To get there, there are lots of ways to study. Workbooks, podcasts, old textbooks, study groups, etc. But to get a feel for what it's like to sit down and take a four-hour exam, the best thing to do is...sit down and take a four-hour exam. That's what we have right here. Five separate, 170-question practice tests all standing ready to give you a real sense of what the exam is like and what you're like during a long, long test.

Get started by signing up on the site.

Good luck!

December 14, 2018