key passed the social work exam"I finally passed my clinical exam. Using SWTP study materials helped me so much. There is a lot of content in the social work field and I would at times feel overwhelmed. However, SWTP made it so much easier for me to retain the information needed to pass. I didn't pass the first time, but once I started studying with SWTP materials I felt so confident. There was a significant improvement in my score.  I can finally breathe."

Congratulations, Keyana!

From overwhelmed to confident--that's  exactly where SWTP practice will take  you. When you go in to take the real thing, we want you to be able to say to yourself, "I've got this."

Thanks, Keyana, for the amazing testimonial. If you've taken the exam, please write us with your story!

Getting ready to take the exam? Start here.

July 22, 2018
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