Can you pass the social work licensing exam? Yes, you can!

But it may take some preparation. There's lots to know content-wise. And there's lots to get ready for process-wise. The content isn't much of a mystery.

Regarding content: The ASWB publishes free outlines of all the material that may appear on the exam. It's overwhelming, but this should calm you some: the vast majority of the material that appears on the exam is the very stuff that social workers working in the field encounter every day. The basics of ethics, diagnosis, and social work practice. The exam is designed for beginning social workers. For most people looking to get licensed, that's more-or-less who you are.

As for the exam process. That's also easily prepared for, if you have the time. The national ASWB exam is four hours long with 170 questions. The best way we've found to prepare for that long sit is real-time, realistic practice (which is just what we provide). Does your attention lag over the course of four hours? Do you need a snack break? A stretching break? A bathroom break? What's it like for you to face vignette after vignette of challenging social work situations and close-call answers? There are really only a couple of ways to find out. Either take the test (which is expensive and only allowed every so often). Or take practice tests. We recommend the latter!

Click here to get started with SWTP practice.

Happy studying and good luck on the exam!

May 8, 2018