passed with swtp Some assorted good news from the recent SWTP inbox.

  • Finally passed with the help of SWTP! -- LaShawnda
  • Passed with 123 correct, needing only 99. -- Jennifer
  • Passed. Thank you! -- Sophia
  • I passed the exam!  Felt like it was such a short time for 75 questions. -- Joanne (who took the short/quick California Law & Ethics exam)
  • I passed my LMSW exam on the first try, with flying colors. SWTP was truly a godsend and saved me a lot of anxiety! -- Kori

Congratulations LaShawnda, Jennifer, Sophia, Joanne, Kori, and all newly licensed social workers!

Have exam news to share? Write us. Share your moment of glory by attaching a pass-sheet selfie. Everyone likes to see a pass-sheet selfie!

If you're not already underway, get started by choosing exams here. You'll get our free social work exam study guide when you create your account.

Happy studying and good luck with the exam!

February 12, 2020
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