celebrating rainbowInbox item:

Passed with flying colors! This was so incredibly helpful! Much appreciated! - Laura

Congratulations, Laura!

We only hear from a fraction of the social workers passing the exam with SWTP. Over the years, tens of thousands have passed the exam with help from Social Work Test Prep. Can we call this one the 100,000th? Guess we could, but since we're not sure, just calling it #X.

Congratulations to all of the X social workers who've passed the exam with this site.

We're not getting quite as many pass sheet selfies as we used to these days. (Don't be shy, send yours when you pass!) So turning to artificial intelligence to help illustrate this post. This is Dall-E's response to "celebrating rainbow." ("Flying colors" just brought up some parrots.)

If you were looking for ways to procrastinate or all-around postpone studying for the social work licensing exam, Dall-E is there for you.

If you're ready to get started on the path to getting your social work license, SWTP is here for you. Right here, right now. Get started by creating an account. We'll send you our free twentysomething-page study guide (which has a nice handful of free practice questions). Then build a bundle from SWTP's collection of 900+ practice questions.

You'll be glad you did

Happy studying and good luck on the exam!

September 14, 2022
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