Here's a ASWB exam content outline item worth another look: Factors influencing self-image (e.g., culture, race, religion/spirituality, age, disability, trauma). The e.g. is helpful here because otherwise just about everything is a factor that influences self-image. Let's dig in and then look at how this material may appear on the social work licensing exam.

The Factors

Self-image, also referred to as self-concept or self-perception, is a multidimensional construct that encompasses various aspects of an individual's identity. A wide variety of factors can significantly influence a person's self-image, shaping how they perceive themselves and their place in the world. Among them:

  • Culture:

    • Cultural Norms: Cultural values, beliefs, and norms are crucial. People tend to internalize societal expectations regarding appearance, behavior, and success.
    • Cultural Identity: Connection to--or distance from--cultural heritage, including ideals of family, beauty, success, and day-to-day behavior, often impacts self-perception. 
  • Race and Ethnicity:

    • Racial Identity: Experiences related to race, including societal attitudes and stereotypes, can influence self-image. Individuals may develop a racial identity that impacts how they see themselves and how they believe others see them.
  • Religion/Spirituality:

    • Religious Beliefs: Religious teachings can shape moral values, guiding principles, and a sense of purpose. These factors contribute to the formation of self-identity.
    • Spiritual Experiences: Personal experiences with spirituality can influence perceptions of self-worth and purpose.
  • Age:

    • Developmental Stage: Self-image evolves across the lifespan. Children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly may have different self-perceptions influenced by their developmental stage and life experiences.
    • Age-Related Changes: Physical changes associated with aging often impact body image and self-esteem.
  • Disability:

    • Physical and Mental Health: Disabilities, whether visible or invisible, can affect self-image. Society's perceptions of disabilities may also contribute to how individuals view themselves.
  • Trauma:

    • Past Experiences: Traumatic events, such as abuse or significant losses, often impact self-image. Trauma may lead to negative self-perceptions, trust issues, or feelings of worthlessness. Some individuals may experience post-traumatic growth, finding strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
  • Gender and Sexual Orientation:

    • Gender Roles: Societal expectations related to gender roles can influence self-image. Conformity or non-conformity to gender norms can greatly impact one's sense of self.
    • Sexual Orientation: Societal attitudes toward diverse sexual orientations can be a large factor in self-image.
  • Socioeconomic Status:

    • Financial Well-being: Socioeconomic status tends to influence self-perception in terms of social standing and opportunity.
  • Media and Social Influences:

    • Media Representations: Media portrayals of beauty, success, and social norms tend to take an outsized role in shaping self-image, especially among young people.
    • Peer and Social Comparisons: Comparisons with others, both in real life and through social media, can impact self-esteem and body image.
  • Education and Work:

    • Educational Attainment: Level of education achieved can influence self-perceptions of competence and intelligence.
    • Occupational Identity: The nature of one's work and career achievements can also contribute to self-image.

Of course, the impact of these factors (and others) can vary widely from person to person. Understanding the interplay of these factors is key for helping promote positive self-image and fostering a more inclusive and supportive society (aka doing social work!). 

On the Social Work Exam

How might this look on the social work licensing exam? 

  • When working with clients with disabilities, what should a social worker consider regarding the impact of disability on self-image?

  • In assessing the self-image of an elderly client, what factors should a social worker consider related to age?

  • A client tells a social worker, "I feel so ugly." How should the social worker proceed?

You get the idea.

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December 4, 2023
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