Next up as we continue through the ASWB exam content outline: The indicators of normal and abnormal physical, cognitive, emotional, and sexual development throughout the lifespan. Let's jump right in and then take a look at how this material may look on the exam.

Physical Development

Normal Indicators:

  • Infancy: Reflexes (e.g., rooting, sucking), growth in height and weight, motor skills development (e.g., crawling, walking)
  • Childhood: Steady growth, coordination improvement, development of fine and gross motor skills
  • Adolescence: Puberty, growth spurts, increased muscle mass
  • Adulthood: Maintenance of physical health, gradual physical decline in later years
  • Old Age: Decreased mobility, muscle atrophy, slower reflexes

Abnormal Indicators:

  • Delayed milestones: Not meeting expected physical milestones (e.g., walking, talking)
  • Growth abnormalities: Excessive or insufficient growth
  • Motor skill issues: Lack of coordination, balance issues
  • Chronic illnesses or disabilities: Conditions that impact daily functioning

Cognitive Development

Normal Indicators:

  • Infancy: Sensory exploration, object permanence, early language development
  • Childhood: Logical thinking, memory improvement, problem-solving skills
  • Adolescence: Abstract thinking, moral reasoning, planning for the future
  • Adulthood: Stable intelligence, continued learning, complex problem-solving
  • Old Age: Wisdom, life experience, potential mild cognitive decline

Abnormal Indicators:

  • Developmental delays: Late speech development, difficulty understanding basic concepts
  • Learning disabilities: Dyslexia, ADHD, difficulty with memory and concentration
  • Cognitive decline: Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, significant memory loss

Emotional Development

Normal Indicators:

  • Infancy: Attachment formation, recognition of caregivers
  • Childhood: Development of self-concept, understanding emotions, forming friendships
  • Adolescence: Identity exploration, increased independence, emotional regulation
  • Adulthood: Stable emotional relationships, coping with stress
  • Old Age: Emotional resilience, coping with life changes, reflection on life

Abnormal Indicators:

  • Attachment issues: Insecure attachment, difficulty forming relationships
  • Emotional dysregulation: Frequent mood swings, inability to manage emotions
  • Mental health disorders: Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder
  • Difficulty coping: Inability to adapt to life changes, excessive stress

Sexual Development

Normal Indicators:

  • Infancy: Awareness of body parts, curiosity about differences
  • Childhood: Understanding gender roles, basic knowledge of reproduction
  • Adolescence: Sexual maturation, exploration of sexual identity, development of sexual orientation
  • Adulthood: Sexual relationships, family planning, healthy sexual behaviors
  • Old Age: Changes in sexual desire and function, maintaining intimacy

Abnormal Indicators:

  • Early or late puberty: Premature or delayed sexual development
  • Sexual dysfunction: Issues with sexual desire, arousal, or performance
  • Inappropriate behavior: Sexual behaviors not appropriate for developmental stage
  • Sexual health issues: STIs, lack of knowledge about safe sex practices

Understanding these indicators can help identify when an individual may need support or intervention to ensure healthy development across the lifespan.

On the Exam

On the licensing exam, expect questions like these:

  • A 5-year-old child is having difficulty with tasks that require fine motor skills, such as buttoning their shirt and using scissors. The child is otherwise meeting developmental milestones. What should the social worker do next?
  • Which of the following is a normal indicator of emotional development in adolescence?
  • A 9-year-old child shows a lack of interest in peer relationships and prefers solitary activities. The child is performing well academically but struggles with understanding social cues. What is the most likely concern?

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August 12, 2024
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