Our ASWB exam outline tour continues with this: The basic terminology of professions other than social work (e.g., legal, educational). You likely already know whatever info from this topic might show up on the exam, but let's review anyway and then look at how the material may show up on the test. (Note: Do not spend any time memorizing this material--focus instead on social work terminology--that's where the exam will be focused.)

Professional Terminology

Understanding basic terminology in professions other than social work can help with effective collaboration and service provision. Here are some key terms from various fields:

Legal Terminology

  • Affidavit: A written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court.
  • Arbitration: A method of dispute resolution outside the courts where an arbitrator reviews the case and imposes a decision that is legally binding.
  • Burden of Proof: The obligation to prove one's assertion in a legal case.
  • Deposition: The process of giving sworn evidence.
  • Indictment: A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.
  • Litigation: The process of taking legal action.
  • Plaintiff: A person who brings a case against another in a court of law.
  • Probate: The legal process of administering the estate of a deceased person.
  • Subpoena: A writ ordering a person to attend a court.
  • Tort: A wrongful act or an infringement of a right leading to civil legal liability.

Educational Terminology

  • IEP (Individualized Education Program): A plan developed to ensure that a child with an identified disability receives specialized instruction and related services.
  • 504 Plan: A plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment.
  • ELL (English Language Learner): A student who is learning English in addition to their native language.
  • FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act): A federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.
  • Inclusion: An educational practice where students with disabilities are educated in regular classrooms alongside their peers without disabilities.
  • Mainstreaming: Placing students with special education services in a general education classroom during specific times based on their skills.
  • Tenure: A guaranteed job security for teachers who have successfully completed a probationary period.
  • Curriculum: The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.
  • Pedagogy: The method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.
  • STEM: An acronym referring to the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Healthcare Terminology

  • Diagnosis: The identification of the nature and cause of a certain phenomenon.
  • Prognosis: The likely course of a disease or ailment.
  • Acute Care: Short-term treatment for a severe injury or episode of illness, an urgent medical condition, or during recovery from surgery.
  • Chronic Disease: A long-lasting condition that can be controlled but not cured.
  • Palliative Care: Specialized medical care focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness.
  • Telemedicine: The use of telecommunication technology to provide medical information and services.
  • Inpatient: A patient who stays in a hospital while receiving treatment.
  • Outpatient: A patient who receives medical treatment without being admitted to a hospital.
  • Primary Care: Basic or general health care traditionally provided by doctors trained in family practice, pediatrics, internal medicine, and sometimes gynecology.
  • Specialist: A doctor who has completed advanced education and clinical training in a specific area of medicine (e.g., cardiology, neurology).

Financial Terminology

  • Assets: Resources owned by a person or company that have economic value.
  • Liabilities: Debts or obligations of a person or company.
  • Equity: The value of an owner's interest in a property or business, after liabilities are deducted.
  • Investment: An asset acquired or invested in to build wealth and save for the future.
  • Interest: The cost of borrowing money, usually expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed.
  • Diversification: A risk management strategy that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio.
  • Liquidity: The availability of liquid assets to a market or company.
  • Revenue: The income generated from normal business operations.
  • Dividend: A distribution of a portion of a company's earnings to its shareholders.
  • Capital: Wealth in the form of money or assets, used to start or maintain a business.

Information Technology Terminology

  • Algorithm: A set of instructions designed to perform a specific task.
  • Bandwidth: The maximum rate of data transfer across a given path.
  • Cloud Computing: The delivery of computing services over the internet.
  • Database: An organized collection of structured information or data.
  • Firewall: A network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic.
  • Encryption: The process of converting information or data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Software: A set of instructions, data, or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks.
  • Hardware: The physical parts of a computer system.
  • Network: A group of two or more computer systems linked together.
  • Cybersecurity: The practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks.

Business Management Terminology

  • Leadership: The act of guiding and directing a group to achieve goals.
  • Management: The process of dealing with or controlling things or people in an organization.
  • Stakeholder: Any person, group, or organization that has an interest in the outcomes of a project or business.
  • Strategic Planning: The process of defining a company's direction and making decisions on allocating resources to pursue this direction.
  • SWOT Analysis: A strategic planning technique used to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • KPI (Key Performance Indicator): A measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives.
  • Market Analysis: A quantitative and qualitative assessment of a market.
  • ROI (Return on Investment): A measure used to evaluate the efficiency or profitability of an investment.
  • Supply Chain: The network between a company and its suppliers to produce and distribute a specific product.
  • Change Management: The approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations to a desired future state.

Engineering Terminology

  • Blueprint: A detailed plan or drawing that outlines how something will be constructed.
  • Prototype: An early sample, model, or release of a product built to test a concept or process.
  • CAD (Computer-Aided Design): The use of computers to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design.
  • Load: The weight or force that is supported by a structure.
  • Torque: A measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis.
  • Stress: The internal resistance of a material to deformation.
  • Strain: The deformation or displacement of material that results from an applied stress.
  • Thermodynamics: The branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat and other forms of energy.
  • Circuit: A closed path through which an electric current flows or may flow.
  • Nanotechnology: The manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale.

Marketing Terminology

  • Branding: The process of creating a unique name, design, or image for a product in the consumer's mind.
  • Target Market: A specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): The practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results.
  • Content Marketing: A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content.
  • Market Research: The process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information about a market.
  • B2B (Business-to-Business): Transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler.
  • B2C (Business-to-Consumer): Transactions between businesses and end consumers.
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): The ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a page.
  • Lead Generation: The initiation of consumer interest or inquiry into products or services of a business.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors to a website that complete a desired goal out of the total number of visitors.

Human Resources Terminology

  • Recruitment: The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate for a job opening.
  • Onboarding: The process of integrating a new employee into an organization.
  • Performance Appraisal: A regular review of an employee's job performance and overall contribution to a company.
  • Employee Benefits: Various types of non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries.
  • Workforce Planning: The process of analyzing and forecasting the talent an organization needs to achieve its goals.
  • HRIS (Human Resource Information System): Software that provides a centralized repository of employee data.
  • Compliance: Ensuring a company adheres to external laws and regulations as well as internal policies and procedures.
  • Employee Engagement: The emotional commitment an employee has to their organization and its goals.
  • Talent Management: The anticipation of required human capital for an organization and the planning to meet those needs.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Strategies to promote the representation and participation of different groups of individuals.

Here, as a bonus, is terminology for a handful of academic disciplines:

Philosophy Terminology

  • Epistemology: The study of knowledge, its nature, and validity.
  • Metaphysics: The branch of philosophy that explores the fundamental nature of reality and existence.
  • Ethics: The study of moral principles and how they apply to behavior.
  • Logic: The study of reasoning and argumentation.
  • Aesthetics: The study of beauty, art, and taste.
  • Ontology: The branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being.
  • Dialectic: A method of argument for resolving disagreement through reasoned discussion.
  • Empiricism: The theory that all knowledge originates from sensory experience.
  • Existentialism: A philosophical theory emphasizing individual freedom, choice, and existence.
  • Utilitarianism: The ethical theory that actions are right if they benefit the majority.

Sociology Terminology

  • Socialization: The process through which individuals learn and adopt the norms and values of their society.
  • Culture: The beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics shared by members of a society.
  • Norms: Rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members.
  • Roles: The behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status.
  • Social Structure: The organized pattern of social relationships and social institutions that together compose society.
  • Deviance: Behavior that violates social norms.
  • Social Stratification: The hierarchical arrangement of individuals in terms of power, prestige, and resources.
  • Ethnocentrism: Evaluating other cultures according to the standards of one's own culture.
  • Functionalism: A theoretical framework that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability.
  • Symbolic Interactionism: A theoretical framework that focuses on the interactions among individuals based on mutually understood symbols.

Anthropology Terminology

  • Cultural Anthropology: The study of cultural variations among humans.
  • Ethnography: The systematic study of people and cultures from the point of view of the subject.
  • Archaeology: The study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts.
  • Linguistic Anthropology: The study of how language influences social life.
  • Biological Anthropology: The study of the biological development of humans.
  • Kinship: The social relationships that form an important part of the lives of all humans in all societies.
  • Ritual: A set of actions performed mainly for their symbolic value.
  • Totemism: A belief system where humans are said to have kinship or a mystical relationship with a spirit-being, such as an animal or plant.
  • Acculturation: The process of cultural change and psychological change that results following meeting between cultures.
  • Animism: The belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence.

Political Science Terminology

  • Democracy: A system of government by the whole population, typically through elected representatives.
  • Autocracy: A system of government by one person with absolute power.
  • Bureaucracy: A system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives.
  • Constitution: A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
  • Federalism: The federal principle or system of government.
  • Sovereignty: Supreme power or authority.
  • Legislature: The legislative body of a country or state.
  • Judiciary: The judicial authorities of a country; judges collectively.
  • Diplomacy: The profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations.
  • Policy: A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual.

On the Exam

Now that you've reviewed all this, how might you expect it to appear on the ASWB exam? First, don't. None of it is at all likely to appear, but it's on the exam outline, so we're covering it. If the topic were to appear, the info might look something like this:

  • A social worker is helping a refugee family adjust to a new culture. The family is experiencing stress due to the differences in societal norms and values. Which sociological process are they undergoing?
  • A social worker is advocating for policy changes to improve the welfare of homeless individuals. Which branch of political science is the social worker engaging with?
  • A client believes that their actions should be guided by what will bring the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people. Which philosophical theory does this belief represent?

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PS: Answers to the above -- Acculturation, Policy, Utilitarianism. : ) 

June 21, 2024
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