Last week, Marilyn T. hit submit on her ASWB exam and got back the hoped for message: CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE PASSED... She wrote with the news, adding these words of wisdom to share with fellow social workers preparing to take the exam:

Don't give up, keep studying, take the time to immerse yourself studying and preparing for the exam for a few weeks or months if needed. Review all the questions in the Social Work Test Prep program in depth for a deeper understanding, and once you've built that confidence in your understanding and test taking, then go pass the exam!
It took me some time to get licensed. Everyone's journey to licensure is unique. Be kind to yourself and do not compare yourself to other people who can take exams and pass with flying colors. Remember not to give up. I didn't give up and now I'm finally Licensed and super excited for what's next to come in my career as an LCSW!

Congratulations, Marilyn! Very glad you stuck with it. Thanks for writing. Congratulations to everyone who has recently passed the exam. To those still studying, you can do this. We're with you till you pass. It's just a matter of time. 

Passed already and have advice to share? Send it in!

Don't have SWTP practice tests yet? Get them here now

Happy studying and good luck on the exam!

June 25, 2024
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