Case Summary:
Maria is a 35-year-old single mother of two who recently lost her job due to downsizing. She feels overwhelmed by financial stress, fears losing her home, and is struggling to balance her children’s needs. Maria has expressed a desire to find work quickly but feels hopeless and stuck.
Approach: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)
Step 1: Define the Problem and Goals
Social Worker: "What would things look like if your situation improved?"
Maria: "I’d have a stable job, be able to pay my bills, and spend more time with my kids without worrying."
Step 2: Miracle Question
Social Worker: "If a miracle happened tonight and all your problems were solved, what would be different tomorrow?"
Maria: "I’d wake up knowing I have a job, a steady income, and enough time to cook for my kids."
Step 3: Identify Strengths and Exceptions
Social Worker: "Have you faced similar challenges before? How did you handle them?"
Maria: "I worked two part-time jobs a few years ago when I was in a similar spot. It was hard, but I made it through."
Step 4: Scaling Questions
Social Worker: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you in finding work right now?"
Maria: "A 4. I don’t feel very confident."
Social Worker: "What would move you from a 4 to a 5?"
Maria: "Updating my resume and applying to jobs. I just need to make the time."
Step 5: Action Plan
Potential Outcome
Maria begins applying for jobs with an updated resume and identifies a local food bank and childcare assistance program to reduce immediate stressors. Her confidence improves as she completes these steps, and she feels more hopeful about her situation.
This case example demonstrates how SFBT emphasizes Maria’s strengths, empowers her to identify practical solutions, and fosters progress through achievable goals.
On the Exam
Here's a practice question pulled from this topic area:
A social worker is working with a client experiencing high levels of stress due to a divorce. The client expresses difficulty managing their emotions and responsibilities. Which problem-solving approach would BEST address the client’s immediate needs?
A. Crisis Intervention Model
B. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)
C. Strengths-Based Approach
D. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Have your answer? Let's take them one at a time, bottom to top:
D. CBT is effective for long-term change in thought patterns but is not the most appropriate model for immediate crisis situations.
C. A strengths-based approach highlights the client’s strengths and resilience, which is valuable, but it may not adequately address immediate emotional distress.
B. While SFBT emphasizes goal-setting and future-focused solutions, it may not provide the immediate emotional stabilization needed in a crisis.
A. A crisis intervention approach focuses on stabilizing the client’s immediate emotional distress and helping them manage acute stress. It prioritizes short-term goals to restore functioning and address urgent needs, which is ideal for the high stress and emotional challenges associated with a divorce. The correct answer is A.
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