After a short stint being administered by PSI, the ASWB exam is returning to Pearson VUE fold as of March, 2025. Here's the ASWB's announcement. It reads, in part:

To facilitate the change in testing administration, there will be a two-week pause in testing between March 16 and March 30. This pause is necessary to allow for the transfer of candidate data from PSI to Pearson VUE. The fees, exam questions, and scoring will remain the same.
Important dates
March 3 or later
  • All registrations completed on March 3 or later are authorized for testing with Pearson VUE.
March 15
  • Last day of testing at PSI test centers. The last day to schedule an appointment with PSI is March 14.
March 16 through March 30
  • Pause in exam administration for transition from PSI to Pearson VUE.

March 31

  • First day of testing at Pearson VUE test centers
  • All exam registrations will automatically be moved to Pearson VUE for registered candidates who did not test with PSI by March 15.

What difference will this make to you? Not much. You'll register on a different site. The exam will be administered at different locations. But the exam itself is unchanged. Unless you took the exam during the two years PSI administered the exam, you won't notice a thing. And even then, the differences should be minimal. For more information, check out the announcement page. 

Get ready to pass the exam the ASWB exam with any administrator using SWTP's full-length practice tests

Happy studying and good luck on the exam!

March 11, 2025
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