Looking to get licensed? There's no better way to prepare for the exam than high-quality, full-length ASWB practice exams.
Get started now with SWTP's bundle of five, 170-question practice tests. All are amazing preparation for the social work licensing exam. Included with your purchase:
- Realistic ASWB-style exam questions.
- Thorough rationales for each question helping you learn how to think like an exam writer.
- Links for suggested study. Avoid expensive, clunky study guides. Study what you need to know, when you need to know it, at no extra cost.
- Unlimited exam access in study mode.
"I passed! The test was just like the practice ones from your site!"
-- Kristy, LICSW
The steps to take to pass the ASWB exam are simple enough, though can be hard to execute:
Familiarize Yourself with the Exam: Understand the general format, content areas, and question types of the ASWB exam. This will help you tailor your study plan accordingly.
Develop a Study Plan: Create a detailed study plan that includes specific topics to cover, study materials, and a timeline. Set realistic goals and allocate dedicated study time each day or week.
Practice, practice, practice: Practice with SWTP's full-length ASWB practice exams to learn the exam format, content, and improve your test-taking skills. Analyze your answers and understand why certain choices are correct or incorrect.
Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Assess your knowledge and identify the areas where you feel most confident and those where you need further improvement. This will help you allocate your study time more effectively.
Manage Test Anxiety: Develop strategies to manage test anxiety and maintain a positive mindset. Practice relaxation techniques, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and ensure you get enough rest leading up to the exam day.
Review and Finalize: In the days leading up to the exam, review your notes, focus on challenging areas, and ensure you have covered all the content outlined in the exam blueprint. Avoid cramming and instead, focus on reinforcing your knowledge.
Exam Day Preparation: Familiarize yourself with the exam logistics, such as the location, time, and required identification. Plan your transportation and arrive early to the testing center to minimize stress.
You've got this!
Ready to get started? Get more for less when you buy bundled exams. The SWTP five-exam practice test bundle is only $144 for a 90-day subscription, a savings of over $50! Our refund policy is here. Find more details about the ASWB exam here.
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