CoinCan you pass the licensure exam without laying out a lot of money? Maybe, sort of. You can save a bunch, turns out, leaning on the web for a lot of materials SWTP's Suggested Study Links make that easy.

The books you probably already have from school cover most of what AATBS or BTA or Gerry Grossman cram into their materials (think Corey, think Hepworth, Rooney, et al). The NASW Code of Ethics is sitting all over the web. Relaxation techniques, another part of the pay-program package, are another web-based, no-charge item.

The problem, if any, is with amounts. You'll probably need more practice questions and less other material.  You can probably track down the course books for free (a post-test friend?) or cheap (craigslist, ebay)--though they may be all marked up. So, if you've got it, this is where your money goes: online practice questions.

Done it differently? Let us know. Continued good luck to us all.  

January 25, 2009
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