A handful of not-all-that-significant-sounding changes to the ASWB exam are detailed on the ASWB FAQ page (at aswb.org).

How has the ASWB exam changed over the years? Many ways, many time. Among the noteworthy alterations:

  1. Computerization: The ASWB exam was originally administered in a paper-and-pencil format, but in the 1990s, it was computerized. This made it easier for candidates to take the exam and allowed for faster processing of exam results.

  2. Addition of clinical exam: The ASWB exam was originally a single exam that tested general social work knowledge. In 1996, the clinical exam was added, which tested candidates' knowledge of clinical social work practice.

  3. Updated content: Over the years, the content of the ASWB exam has been updated to reflect changes in social work practice and research. For example, in 2018, the ASWB released a new version of the exam that reflected the updated 2015 EPAS (Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards) from the Council on Social Work Education.

  4. Introduction of item types: The ASWB exam has also introduced new item types over the years. For example, the exam now includes scenario-based items that present candidates with a client case and ask them to apply their knowledge of social work practice to solve the case.

  5. Changes in passing score: The passing score for the ASWB exam has changed over the years. In some cases, the passing score has been lowered to make it easier for candidates to pass the exam, while in other cases, the passing score has been raised to reflect changes in social work practice and research.

The ASWB exam has evolved over the years to reflect changes in social work practice and research and in exam tech. There's always the possibility of new, bigger changes on the horizon. To stay posted on the latest sign up at SWTP!

January 8, 2011
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