UPDATE: Laura is no longer tutoring for the ASWB exam. Find other tutors listed here.
A short bio of Laura Gale, LCSW--social worker, teacher, exam tutor:
Laura received her BSW from San Diego State University in 1994. She went on to pursue an MSW from the University of Illinois at Chicago Jane Addams School of Social Work in 1997, and licensure by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences in 2000. Additional training has included Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Functional Family Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing.
Originally from San Diego, Laura has been working in the Los Angeles area for the past 15 years in the area of child welfare and children's mental health. She has held a variety of positions including case manager, individual and family therapist, clinical supervisor, and agency administrator. She has developed several trainings for social workers including, "Self Care for Therapists," a stress management curriculum based in mindfulness techniques, and "Understanding the Dependency Court System," a training on the ins and outs of child welfare. Laura currently teaches at the University of Southern California School of Social Work.
To receive personalized tutoring for the social work licensing exam--either in person or via phone or Skype--write at info@socialworktestprep.com. Use the subject line "Tutoring with Laura."