Aswb Exam HelpYou can get past the ASWB exam.  On their site, the ASWB tries to make it easier.  Among the overwhelming number of links they provide, some essential standouts:

The ASWB Candidate Handbook

ASWB Clinical Exam Content Outline

An anxiety-reducing video about what to expect at your testing center 

Lots more on the site.

Some history: 

The ASWB was established in 1979 as a nonprofit organization with the goal of developing a standardized examination for social work licensure. (It was originally the AASSWB--good change.) Before its formation, individual states had their own licensing requirements and exams, leading to inconsistencies in licensure standards across jurisdictions.

The ASWB worked with state regulatory boards to create a common licensing examination. This resulted in the development of the ASWB Licensing Examination, which evaluates the knowledge and skills necessary for competent social work practice.

More recently, the exam has come under fire due to disparities in exam results across different racial groups and demographics. Stay tuned to see what changes are made to the exam to fix the serious trouble.

Getting ready to pass the ASWB exam? Try SWTP practice.

November 9, 2012
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