SWTP Study Guide As you're launching your test prep odyssey, it's wise to seek out all the best-and best priced-resources you can gather. For example, have you dug into the SWTP Study Guide yet? It's chock full of helpful tips about the social work licensing exam…some about managing test anxiety…and includes a nice helping of practice questions. The price? Zero dollars and zero cents. Free.

Get it by signing up and creating an SWTP account. You'll get a link emailed directly to you.

And you're underway.

Of course the idea is that you'll like it so much you'll come back to SWTP for more, including our full-length ASWB exam practice tests and boosters (including all ethics in one, all DSM questions in the other). Like tasting a sample flavor at an ice cream place. But it's delicious social work exam practice here. Not as cold and sweet as your favorite cup or cone, but if it helps you pass the exam, and it should, then yum!

Enjoy and good luck!

February 25, 2021