Lock And KeyNow, having gotten licensed, I'm turning my attention to helping others get through their state exam. In CA, it's two exams--standard plus vignette. For the rest of the country and Canada, it's one exam, administered by the ASWB.  The ASWB website is chock full of information you need to know to get through the exam--and lots you don't need to know. 

The key thing I was left with after lots of exam prep, including lots of overstudying, is that taking practice exams in actual time was the most useful part of getting ready to get licensed.  You can't expect to recreate the precise experience of being in a testing center in front of their computer screen. But you can get in front of a computer screen and recreate the basics: the four hour time limit, the 170 questions (or 200 in California).  You can learn how you perform under these unusual conditions.  You're a social worker, you're probably used to performing well in unusual conditions.  Now, time to adapt to these.  With a little bit of studying and a some real-time online practice, you can get ready.  You'll get licensed and you'll look back and laugh. 

Good luck in advance! 

To get started with SWTP practice exams, sign up! Get started here.

October 15, 2009
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