Ask SWTP:  Media Appearances and Social Work Ethics, Part Two

Ask SWTP: Media Appearances and Social Work Ethics, Part Two

May 20, 2013  |  Q&A

Left out of Dr. Frederic Reamer's note about social work ethics and media (previous post) was this question: Q:  Can social workers talk to reporters about cases involving people who aren't their client?


Media Appearances and Social Work Ethics

Media Appearances and Social Work Ethics

May 17, 2013  |  Q&A  |  ethics

We couldn't find a good article online about the ethics of media appearances for social workers. What do you do when asked to comment about a client for newspaper, radio, or TV?  For an answer, we turned to Dr.

Q&A  |  ethics

Ask SWTP: Should I Read the Answers First?

Ask SWTP: Should I Read the Answers First?

March 28, 2013  |  Q&A  |  tips and tricks

MC writes, "As it relates to taking the exam, would you recommend reading the answers first, then read the question?" Thanks for the question, MC. What seems to work best for most people is to read the question first--

Q&A  |  tips and tricks



February 11, 2013  |  Q&A

What's got you stumped? As you've studied for the social work exam, what's remained stubbornly confusing, unclear, or unanswered?  Write and we'll endeavor to cover it in these pages.