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Result: PASS

Result: PASS

January 19, 2018  |  success stories  |  LCSW  |  passed the ASWB exam

"I passed! My clinical exam with a score of 102 based on a passing score of 97. SWTP was very helpful." Congratulations, Michelle! Ready to get started? We're ready to help.

success stories  |  LCSW  |  passed the ASWB exam

Lindy: “I PASSED!”

Lindy: “I PASSED!”

January 16, 2018  |  success stories  |  LICSW  |  passed the ASWB exam

Great note and photo from Lindy, now a Massachusetts LICSW: I PASSED! I was so grateful to SWTP to help me practice test taking, as I had been out of that realm I graduated with my Masters in SW almost 10 years ago!

success stories  |  LICSW  |  passed the ASWB exam

"The 4th time, the only study tool I used was SWTP and I passed the exam."

"The 4th time, the only study tool I used was SWTP and I passed the exam."

January 4, 2018  |  success stories  |  passed the ASWB exam

An amazing email from Kendrick, who passed the ASWB exam on his fourth try using SWTP. First I would like to thank Social Work Test Prep for assisting me in passing the ASWB exam. I don't think I would of passed the exam without this program.

success stories  |  passed the ASWB exam

SWTP Practice Tests Updated for 2018!

SWTP Practice Tests Updated for 2018!

January 2, 2018  |  aswb  |  ethics

Happy New Year! It's 2018! It's the year you get licensed! With the new year comes the new NASW Code of Ethics and the new ASWB content blueprints. Both kicked in for social workers and exam preppers on 1/1/18. SWTP is ready for them both!

aswb  |  ethics

Christina Has News: "I'm licensed now!"

Christina Has News: "I'm licensed now!"

December 29, 2017

"I'm licensed now! Thanks!" Four simple words. Great words to be able to utter. But not a simple road to get to them. First comes all that schooling--kindergarten through grad school, and everything that comes in between.

The Year in Getting Licensed

The Year in Getting Licensed

December 23, 2017

Studying during 2017 can't have been easy. So much extra stress, so many additional distractions. Yet so many of you managed not just to do you jobs and live your lives, but to study and PASS the social work licensing exam! Hats off to you all.

Kate Passed the Social Work Licensing Exam: “Wow this feels good!”

Kate Passed the Social Work Licensing Exam: “Wow this feels good!”

December 18, 2017  |  success stories  |  LCSW  |  passed the ASWB exam

"My biggest professional life goal for 2017 is now complete. I passed the last exam and I am now a licensed clinical social worker, LCSW! Wow this feels good!" Congratulations, Kate!

success stories  |  LCSW  |  passed the ASWB exam

Kim Got Practice, Got Licensed: "I passed on my first try!"

Kim Got Practice, Got Licensed: "I passed on my first try!"

December 14, 2017

"Yes! I passed on my first try!" Congratulations, Kim! Ready to get ready to pass the exam? The motto here is, "Get practice, get licensed!

Mieke Passed the LCSW Exam!

Mieke Passed the LCSW Exam!

December 5, 2017  |  success stories

Mieke passed the social work licensing exam and her coworkers got her a cake. You can't quite read it in the picture, but it says,  "Celebrating Mieke, LCSW." Congratulations, Mieke!

success stories

Kim Passed the LCSW Exam!

Kim Passed the LCSW Exam!

December 4, 2017

"I took the LCSW exam in November and passed on the first try!  Thanks to Social Work Test Prep for the practice questions, practice exams, and exam tips I felt much more confident going into the exam." Congratulations, Kim!

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