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New Blog: Where the Client Is

New Blog: Where the Client Is

October 12, 2009  |  meta

This just up: Where the Client Is. Continuing the blog-as-you-go tradition of these pages, the new site will follow the figuring out of just what to do with a newly acquired LCSW.


Mailbag: Practice v. Real Exam

Mailbag: Practice v. Real Exam

October 9, 2009  |  vignette  |  mailbag

From my inbox--email from a social work classmate reencountered at AATBS's vignette workshop: Just read you passed the second exam....CONGRATS!!! I STILL have not taken mine yet as I have been busy with my new [job].

vignette  |  mailbag

New Social Work Podcast: Stages of Change

New Social Work Podcast: Stages of Change

October 5, 2009  |  audio

A new Social Work Podcast is here. The topic: Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of Change Model for Social Workers.


Social Work Exam Prep Quiz

Social Work Exam Prep Quiz

October 2, 2009  |  quiz  |  practice  |  ethics

Tinkering with ProProfs with a Hepworth, Rooney, and Larsen on my lap, came up with a few questions. May add more.  UPDATE: More were added. Get complete social work exam practice tests here.

quiz  |  practice  |  ethics



September 26, 2009  |  meta

The BBS said "allow 30 days." It took less than a week. Tested Monday, licensed Friday! How to celebrate when you get licesned? Some ideas (good for any big milestone): Throw a party: Gather your friends and family for a celebration.


"Extra Knowledge"

"Extra Knowledge"

September 26, 2009  |  meta

Had concerns that some posts might be creating unnecessary anxiety in test preppers by labeling as "knowledge" some obscure, deep cut social work facts, giving the impression that the test is impossible.


How to Get Your LCSW

How to Get Your LCSW

September 23, 2009  |  meta  |  misc  |  tips and tricks a bunch of not-necessarily-easy--but doable--steps. I remember as I was first looking into the profession, nothing spelled out this process in a way that made much sense. Degree--which? Internships--what? Study--how? Hopefully this will help.

meta  |  misc  |  tips and tricks

PASSED! Call me an LCSW!

PASSED! Call me an LCSW!

September 21, 2009  |  success stories  |  passed the ASWB exam  |  LCSW

Vignette done and done. Call me LCSW (but wait till the BBS cashes my check). Done! What's it feel like? Relief. Excitement. More relief. A sense of pride. Then more relief. Exam done, weekly study time suddenly wiped from the calendar.

success stories  |  passed the ASWB exam  |  LCSW

Mailbag: Exam Day

Mailbag: Exam Day

September 21, 2009  |  exam day  |  mailbag

From my gmail inbox: Hi, I've been reading your blog while studying for the LCSW written exam and wanted to first of all say that I appreciate all the useful information, resources, and reading about your trials and tribulations.

exam day  |  mailbag

Social Work Podcast: Theories/Practice

Social Work Podcast: Theories/Practice

August 31, 2009  |  audio

A new Social Work Podcast is up. [This one] looks at the relationship between theory and clinical social work practice...


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