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LCSW Licensing in California

LCSW Licensing in California

April 7, 2013  |  bbs

To obtain a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) license in California, follow these steps: Earn a Master's Degree: Complete a master's degree in social work from a CSWE-accredited program.


Ask SWTP: Should I Read the Answers First?

Ask SWTP: Should I Read the Answers First?

March 28, 2013  |  Q&A  |  tips and tricks

MC writes, "As it relates to taking the exam, would you recommend reading the answers first, then read the question?" Thanks for the question, MC. What seems to work best for most people is to read the question first--

Q&A  |  tips and tricks

Exam Prep via Podcast

Exam Prep via Podcast

March 12, 2013  |  audio

Practice tests and reading are terrific, essential.  But sometimes you may want to take a break from them...without taking a break from studying. That's when to let a good social work podcast step in.




February 11, 2013  |  Q&A

What's got you stumped? As you've studied for the social work exam, what's remained stubbornly confusing, unclear, or unanswered?  Write and we'll endeavor to cover it in these pages.


SWTP Social

SWTP Social

February 7, 2013  |  misc

Connect with Social Work Test Prep for more...and more...and still more exam prep goodies.  Here are the links: Pinterest: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn:


LCSW Exam Help

LCSW Exam Help

February 5, 2013  |  knowledge

Load up on exam-friendly psych knowledge at Simply Psychology.  The site includes entries about psych basics and beyond from A (Abnormal Psychology) to Z (Zone of Proximal Development).


Social Work Exam Success Story: Jack

Social Work Exam Success Story: Jack

January 23, 2013  |  success stories  |  passed the ASWB exam  |  LCSW

We don't always get word when SWTP subscribers take the test and get licensed. When we do, we're always eager to hear about the process--what helped, what didn't.

success stories  |  passed the ASWB exam  |  LCSW

Understanding Attachment Theory

Understanding Attachment Theory

January 17, 2013  |  knowledge  |  video  |  theory

Attachment in eight minutes: Find more helpful video on SWTP's YouTube channel. Too long; didn't watch?

knowledge  |  video  |  theory

Psychology 101

Psychology 101

January 14, 2013  |  knowledge  |  quiz

Looking for free review of the psych basics that might be covered on the social work exam? You could do much worse than the Psychology 101 course offered on

knowledge  |  quiz

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing

January 13, 2013  |  knowledge  |  video

Good to know for the exam: Motivational Interviewing. A definition from now-lost SAMSHA pages (use these UMASS training pages instead): [A] collaborative, person-centered form of guiding to elicit and strengthen motivation for change.

knowledge  |  video

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