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Social Work Exam Success Story: Joy

Social Work Exam Success Story: Joy

May 23, 2014  |  success stories  |  passed the ASWB exam

We've been getting a nice flurry of good news from SWTP-prepped social workers, fresh from licensing exam success. Some get posted on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Here's a great one we wanted to share here: Subj:  I passed!!!

success stories  |  passed the ASWB exam

Bowenian Family Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Bowenian Family Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 22, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory  |  video

Murray Bowen is credited by some with generating a wholly new way of thinking about human behavior. That new way: Family Systems Theory, put into action as Bowenian Famliy Therapy.

knowledge  |  theory  |  video

Person-Centered Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Person-Centered Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 18, 2014  |  knowledge

Person-Centered Therapy (sometimes PCT) is the default setting for the majority of psychotherapists practicing today.


Crisis Intervention and the Social Work Exam

Crisis Intervention and the Social Work Exam

May 14, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

While touring various theories and interventions that may come up on the social work exam, don't forget to take some time for something that you can be fairly certain to encounter on the big test (and in social work practice): crisis intervention.

knowledge  |  theory

Solution-Focused Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Solution-Focused Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 12, 2014  |  knowledge

Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT; also Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, SFBT) got a mention a couple of posts ago, but deserves some space of its own--it's not unheard of for SFT to show up on the social work licensing exam. What's SFT?


Existential Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Existential Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 8, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

Did you have to read The Stranger or maybe some Sartre in school? If so, you know something about existentialism. If not, or if you need brushing up, here's Merriam-

knowledge  |  theory

Gestalt Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Gestalt Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 5, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

Once you've got down the basics--CBT, DBT, psychodynamic therapy, and the like--you're ready to dig deeper in your licensing exam prep. That means you'll be putting together knowledge about material that may not actually appear on the exam.

knowledge  |  theory

Psychodynamic Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Psychodynamic Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 3, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

For most vignette questions on the social work licensing exam where a client presents with a problem and the social worker needs to choose the BEST intervention, you'll be given a choice between something here-and-now, problem-

knowledge  |  theory

DBT and the Social Work Exam

DBT and the Social Work Exam

April 21, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

Here's another therapy you shouldn't be surprised to see appear on the social work licensing exam: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). What's DBT? Here are some quick answers to that question--

knowledge  |  theory

CBT and the Social Work Exam

CBT and the Social Work Exam

April 8, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

A good general guideline for the social work licensing exam: "When in doubt, it's CBT." Why? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is research validated therapy practice. That is, it works--studies say so.

knowledge  |  theory

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