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Primary Insomnia

Primary Insomnia

July 31, 2009  |  knowledge

Via emedicine: Primary insomnia is sleeplessness that is not attributable to a medical, psychiatric, or environmental cause. Case study A 56-year-old woman reports difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.


Beck Basics Book

Beck Basics Book

July 29, 2009  |  materials

Want to learn CBT? Read Judith Beck's Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond. Want to know enough about CBT for the test? Here's a CBT summary at Psych Central.


Social Work Test Prep Mailbag

Social Work Test Prep Mailbag

July 23, 2009  |  mailbag

Here, some questions from my inbox today, w/ my answers: [Re how I studied...] I coughed up the $$$ for AATBS--really expensive. It may be possible to get their materials (or others) second-hand through ebay or craigslist.


Social Work Exam Review

Social Work Exam Review

July 21, 2009  |  knowledge

Rereading some old material as prep for exam #2, jotted down a list of stuff I'd half-forgotten or just plain didn't know any more. Follow links to (more complete) defs. Echolalia is the repetition of vocalizations made by another person.


Back in Action

Back in Action

July 6, 2009  |  audio

I'm returning to studying--and blogging--after a month-plus hiatus. Time to get that vignette test prepped for and passed. I'll post useful-seeming stuff as I encounter it. Requests and such welcomed: (or in Comments).




May 31, 2009  |  video

Of note, Obsessed on A&E. It's CBT vs. OCD. A woman counts stuff, can't drive. A man washes and cleans. Therapists help. Much, much more than you'll ever need to know for the social work exam. But good to see therapy--and some recovery--


Keep Up

Keep Up

May 25, 2009  |  materials

They say keeping up with what's going on in the wider world of psych is a help when it comes to licensing exam day. May also be useful in actually doing social work, doing therapy.For non-journal-reading types (i.e.


Hypomanic Episode

Hypomanic Episode

May 12, 2009

What's a hypomanic episode? PsychCentral will tell you. Their page on the topic begins like this: A hypomanic episode is not a disorder in itself, but rather is a description of a part of a type of bipolar II disorder.

Bipolar I, II, and Cyclothymia

Bipolar I, II, and Cyclothymia

May 12, 2009  |  knowledge

Gotta know 'em.  Wikipedia is happy to help. It's helpful to draw out a little grid with the whole gang of mood swings:  MDD (big down), Dysthymia (medium down, 2+ years), Bipolar I (big up), Bipolar II (medium up), Cyclothymia (medium swings).


Major Depression v. Dysthymia

Major Depression v. Dysthymia

May 8, 2009  |  knowledge

Differential of the day, MDD v. Dysthymia. From the EofMDs: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a condition characterized by a long-lasting depressed mood or marked loss of interest or pleasure (anhedonia) in all or nearly all activities.


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