The impact of the environment on individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities

The impact of the environment on individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities

March 28, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next stop on our ASWB exam content outline tour: The impact of the environment (e.g., social, physical, cultural, political, economic) on individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

knowledge  |  practice

The dynamics of interpersonal relationships

The dynamics of interpersonal relationships

March 26, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice  |  theory

Here's a over-broad ASWB exam content outline item: The dynamics of interpersonal relationships. Like, all the dynamics? Let's look at  the essentials, some theories, and then try out a practice question on the material.

knowledge  |  practice  |  theory

The impact of out-of-home placement

The impact of out-of-home placement

March 24, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up in our ASWB exam content outline tour: The impact of out-of-home placement (e.g., hospitalization, foster care, residential care, criminal justice system) on clients/client systems.

knowledge  |  practice

The impact of globalization on clients/client systems

The impact of globalization on clients/client systems

March 21, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up on our ASWB exam tour: The impact of globalization on clients/client systems (e.g., interrelatedness of systems, international integration, technology, environmental or financial crises, epidemics).

knowledge  |  practice

Employee recruitment, training, retention, performance appraisal, evaluation and discipline.

Employee recruitment, training, retention, performance appraisal, evaluation and discipline.

March 19, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up from our ASWB exam content outline tour: Employee recruitment, training, retention, performance appraisal, evaluation and discipline. Let dig in, as always, and then try out a practice question based upon the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

Techniques for harm reduction for self and others

Techniques for harm reduction for self and others

March 17, 2025  |  practice  |  knowledge

This next ASWB exam content outline item is a useful one: Techniques for harm reduction for self and others. Sometimes the best next step for a client isn't eliminating dangerous behaviors, it's simply reducing harm.

practice  |  knowledge

The effect of culture, race, and ethnicity on behaviors, attitudes, and identity

The effect of culture, race, and ethnicity on behaviors, attitudes, and identity

March 14, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next stop in our ASWB exam content outline tour: The effect of culture, race, and ethnicity on behaviors, attitudes, and identity. Let's read up and then try out a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

The dynamics of interpersonal relationships

The dynamics of interpersonal relationships

March 12, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Now we arrive at this ASWB exam content outline item: The dynamics of interpersonal relationships. Let's review (because you know this material just from being alive), then practice with an ASWB exam-style question.

knowledge  |  practice

Family dynamics and functioning and its effects

Family dynamics and functioning and its effects

March 10, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

The full ASWB content outline name for this is Family dynamics and functioning and the effects on individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Let's explore and try out a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

The elements of client/client system reports

The elements of client/client system reports

March 7, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

We're getting down to the last handful of these ASWB exam content outline items. Today: The elements of client/client system reports. Let's make sense of what that's referring to, then try out a practice question.

knowledge  |  practice

The effects of program evaluation findings on services

The effects of program evaluation findings on services

March 5, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next stop on our ASWB exam content outline tour: The effects of program evaluation findings on services. Let's dig in and then try out a practice question on the material.

knowledge  |  practice

Methods to involve clients/client systems in intervention planning

Methods to involve clients/client systems in intervention planning

March 3, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our ASWB exam content outline tour now pulls up to this: Methods to involve clients/client systems in intervention planning. Let's read up and then try out a practice question.

knowledge  |  practice

The principles and processes for developing formal documents

The principles and processes for developing formal documents

February 28, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's an ASWB content outline item that feels less like an exam topic than a topic that might come up in a job interview: The principles and processes for developing formal documents (e.g.

knowledge  |  practice

The components of the social worker-client/client system relationship

The components of the social worker-client/client system relationship

February 26, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Another day, another ASWB exam content outline item to explore. This time: The components of the social worker-client/client system relationship. Let's dig in and then try out a practice question on the topic. The social worker-

knowledge  |  practice

Techniques and instruments used to assess clients/client systems

Techniques and instruments used to assess clients/client systems

February 24, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up on our ASWB exam content outline tour: Techniques and instruments used to assess clients/client systems. Let's review then try out a practice question. Assessing clients and client systems is a critical part of social work practice.

knowledge  |  practice

Methods to develop, review, and implement crisis plans

Methods to develop, review, and implement crisis plans

February 21, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our ASWB exam content outline tour now stops here: Methods to develop, review, and implement crisis plans. Let's dig in and then try a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

Placement options based on assessed level of care

Placement options based on assessed level of care

February 19, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next stop on our ASWB exam content outline tour: Placement options based on assessed level of care. This may be an area you have hands-on experience.

knowledge  |  practice

The indicators of sexual dysfunction

The indicators of sexual dysfunction

February 17, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

We're closing in on having covered all ASWB exam content outline items on the SWTP blog. Thinking we'll  stitch them all together eventually under one cover. But first, let's get to the last of 'em. Next up: The indicators of sexual dysfunction.

knowledge  |  practice

Governance structures

Governance structures

February 14, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's a ASWB exam content outline area that may be wholly unfamiliar from your MSW and exam prep so far: Governance structures. What do they want us to know and how might that knowledge be tested on the licensing exam? Let's explore!

knowledge  |  practice

Methods to engage and motivate clients/client systems

Methods to engage and motivate clients/client systems

February 12, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up in our ASWB exam content outline tour: Methods to engage and motivate clients/client systems. We'll read up and then try out a free practice question. Engaging and motivating clients is essential in social work to foster meaningful change.

knowledge  |  practice

Methods to assess reliability and validity in social work research

Methods to assess reliability and validity in social work research

February 10, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Don't forget to study social work research as you're preparing for the ASWB exam. Here's one of several ASWB content outline items that touch on the topic: Methods to assess reliability and validity in social work research. After a walk-

knowledge  |  practice

The client's/client system's role in the problem-solving process

The client's/client system's role in the problem-solving process

February 7, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our ASWB exam outline tour now arrives here: The client's/client system's role in the problem-solving process. We'll review and then try out a practice question. In social work, the problem-

knowledge  |  practice

Crisis intervention theories

Crisis intervention theories

February 3, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Moving on now to this ASWB exam content outline item: Crisis intervention theories. Let's dive into the topic, then try out a practice question.

knowledge  |  practice

The influence of sexual orientation on behaviors, attitudes, and identity

The influence of sexual orientation on behaviors, attitudes, and identity

January 31, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up on our ASWB exam content outline tour: The influence of sexual orientation on behaviors, attitudes, and identity. Let's read up and then try out a practice question.

knowledge  |  practice

The effect of poverty

The effect of poverty

January 29, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Full ASWB content outline title for this topic: The effect of poverty on individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Let's read up, then try out a practice question on the material.

knowledge  |  practice

The effects of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse

The effects of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse

January 27, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up in our ASWB exam content outline review: The effects of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse on individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Let's dig in and then try a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

Problem-solving models and approaches (e.g., brief, solution-focused methods or techniques)

Problem-solving models and approaches (e.g., brief, solution-focused methods or techniques)

January 24, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our tour of the ASWB exam content outline continues here: Problem-solving models and approaches (e.g., brief, solution-focused methods or techniques). Let's review and try out a practice question on the topic.  Problem-

knowledge  |  practice

The indicators, dynamics, and impact of exploitation across the lifespan

The indicators, dynamics, and impact of exploitation across the lifespan

January 22, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's another key topic from the ASWB exam outline: The indicators, dynamics, and impact of exploitation across the lifespan (e.g., financial, immigration status, sexual trafficking). A practice question follows a review of the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

The dynamics and effects of loss, separation, and grief

The dynamics and effects of loss, separation, and grief

January 20, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up in our ASWB exam content outline tour: The dynamics and effects of loss, separation, and grief. This is part of every social work practice and likely to appear in some form on the licensing exam.

knowledge  |  practice

Methods of service delivery

Methods of service delivery

January 17, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Journeying through the ASWB exam content outline now brings us here: Methods of service delivery. Let's read up and then try a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

Leadership and management techniques

Leadership and management techniques

January 15, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

We're winding down our ASWB exam content outline tour over the next few weeks -- not because we're growing weary, we're just running out of outline. Here's one of the stragglers: Leadership and management techniques.

knowledge  |  practice

Methods of Networking

Methods of Networking

January 13, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

This ASWB content outline item comes from the Interdisciplinary Collaboration section: Methods of networking. Why is this on the exam outline? Seems like the ASWB wants to ensure that once you're licensed, you can find ways to put the license to use.

knowledge  |  practice

Limit setting techniques

Limit setting techniques

January 10, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

"Clear is kind" is a nice way of summing up the value of direct communication and defined boundaries in relationships. Just being nice isn't doing social work.

knowledge  |  practice

Techniques used for follow-up

Techniques used for follow-up

January 8, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our expedition through the ASWB exam content outline now pauses here: Techniques used for follow-up. Let's dig into the topic then try out a practice question. Follow-

knowledge  |  practice

Cognitive and behavioral interventions

Cognitive and behavioral interventions

January 6, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's some important review straight from the ASWB exam outline: Cognitive and behavioral interventions. Let's read up then try a practice question. Cognitive and behavioral interventions are evidence-

knowledge  |  practice

The indicators and risk factors of danger to self and others

The indicators and risk factors of danger to self and others

January 5, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up in our ASWB exam content walk-through: The indicators and risk factors of the client's/client system's danger to self and others. After exploring the topic, we'll try out a practice question.

knowledge  |  practice

Methods to assess the availability of community resources

Methods to assess the availability of community resources

January 3, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up on our ASWB exam content outline tour: Methods to assess the availability of community resources. Macro questions drawn from topics like these are steadily making increased appearances on the licensing exam.

knowledge  |  practice

Client/client system contracting and goal-setting techniques

Client/client system contracting and goal-setting techniques

January 2, 2025  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our tireless journey through the ASWB exam content outline continues here: Client/client system contracting and goal-setting techniques. Goal-

knowledge  |  practice

The impact of aging parents on adult children

The impact of aging parents on adult children

December 27, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's an ASWB exam content outline you may be hearing about from clients and experiencing in your own life: The impact of aging parents on adult children. Let's read up then try out a sample question.

knowledge  |  practice

Models of family life education in social work practice

Models of family life education in social work practice

December 23, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our ASWB exam content tour now stops here: Models of family life education in social work practice. First, let's review. Then, let's try out a practice question.

knowledge  |  practice

Cultural considerations in the creation of an intervention plan

Cultural considerations in the creation of an intervention plan

December 20, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up in our walk through the ASWB exam content outline: Cultural considerations in the creation of an intervention plan. The exam has backed off asking lots of questions about the generalized preferences of different groups.

knowledge  |  practice

Methods to obtain and provide feedback

Methods to obtain and provide feedback

December 18, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's another easy to pass over (but unwise to pass over) ASWB exam content outline topic: Methods to obtain and provide feedback. Let's read up and then try out a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

The effect of the client's developmental level on the social worker-client relationship

The effect of the client's developmental level on the social worker-client relationship

December 16, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our ASWB exam content outline tour now stops here: The effect of the client's developmental level on the social worker-client relationship. Let's explore then try out a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

The impact of domestic, intimate partner, and other violence on the helping relationship.

The impact of domestic, intimate partner, and other violence on the helping relationship.

December 13, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's an interesting item from the Therapeutic Relationship section of the ASWB exam content outline: The impact of domestic, intimate partner, and other violence on the helping relationship. The topic isn't the violence itself--

knowledge  |  practice

Techniques to inform and influence organizational and social policy

Techniques to inform and influence organizational and social policy

December 11, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up on our ASWB content outline journey: Techniques to inform and influence organizational and social policy. Exam writers have been leaning on macro questions with greater frequency.

knowledge  |  practice

Professional boundaries in the social worker-client relationship

Professional boundaries in the social worker-client relationship

December 9, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice  |  ethics

Definitely expect exam questions--maybe multiple exam questions--on this ASWB exam content outline item: Professional boundaries in the social worker-client/client system relationship (e.g., power differences, conflicts of interest, etc.).

knowledge  |  practice  |  ethics

Acceptance and empathy

Acceptance and empathy

December 6, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

The ASWB exam content outline train now stops here: The concept of acceptance and empathy in the social worker-client/client system relationship--easily shortened to acceptance and empathy. Fundamental and essential stuff!

knowledge  |  practice

Models of supervision and consultation

Models of supervision and consultation

December 2, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

We now arrive at this ASWB exam content outline item: Models of supervision and consultation (e.g., individual, peer, group). As usual, let's review and then try out a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice



November 29, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's a one-word ASWB exam content outline item that contains multitudes: Psychotherapies. "Which psychotherapies?" you might ask. "All of them?" No, not all of them.

knowledge  |  practice

Advocacy for policies, services, and resources to meet clients' needs

Advocacy for policies, services, and resources to meet clients' needs

November 27, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

This ASWB exam content outline item is long but mighty: Theories and methods of advocacy for policies, services, and resources to meet clients'/client systems' needs. Let's take a look at the topic and then try out a practice question.

knowledge  |  practice

Professional values and principles

Professional values and principles

November 25, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics  |  practice

We're entering the last weeks of our ASWB exam content outline tour. Today we arrive here: Professional values and principles (e.g., competence, social justice, integrity, and dignity and worth of the person). These are basics--and exam essentials.

knowledge  |  ethics  |  practice

Evaluating policies and procedures for social worker safety

Evaluating policies and procedures for social worker safety

November 22, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's a non-scintillating ASWB exam content outline item: Methods to create, implement, and evaluate policies and procedures for social worker safety. The topic may have soporific qualities, but it also may be on the exam.

knowledge  |  practice

The use of client/client system records

The use of client/client system records

November 20, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Another day, another ASWB exam content outline item. This time, the use of client/client system records. Let's dig in and then try out a practice question on the topic. This repeats material we've covered already--but we're being thorough.

knowledge  |  practice

Legal and/or ethical issues related to the practice of social work

Legal and/or ethical issues related to the practice of social work

November 18, 2024  |  ethics  |  knowledge  |  practice

This ASWB exam content outline item is a lot: Legal and/or ethical issues related to the practice of social work, including responsibility to clients/client systems, colleagues, the profession, and society. All those words, and so unspecific.

ethics  |  knowledge  |  practice

The phases of intervention and treatment

The phases of intervention and treatment

November 15, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Trekking through the ASWB exam content outline, we arrive here: The phases of intervention and treatment. Let's poke around in the material some, then try out a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

Risk assessment methods

Risk assessment methods

November 13, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Risk assessment methods is our next ASWB exam content outline item. Let's read up and then try a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

Parenting skills and capacities

Parenting skills and capacities

November 11, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Today's ASWB exam content outline item: Parenting skills and capacities. Parenting skills echo social work skills in a lot of ways (and vice versa). Let's take a look, then run a practice question based upon the material.

knowledge  |  practice

Indicators and dynamics of abuse and neglect throughout the lifespan

Indicators and dynamics of abuse and neglect throughout the lifespan

November 8, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up in our ASWB exam content outline tour: Indicators and dynamics of abuse and neglect throughout the lifespan. Let's look at the content and then at a practice exam question.

knowledge  |  practice

Social and economic justice

Social and economic justice

November 6, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next stop in our ASWB exam content outline journey: Social and economic justice. Let's take a look and then run a practice question.

knowledge  |  practice

Strengths-based strategies and interventions

Strengths-based strategies and interventions

November 4, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Strengths-based and empowerment strategies and interventions is next in our review of every item in the ASWB exam content outline. Let's dive in and then try out a practice question on the topic.  Strengths-

knowledge  |  practice

The dynamics of diversity in the social worker-client/client system relationship

The dynamics of diversity in the social worker-client/client system relationship

November 3, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Now we arrive at this ASWB exam content outline item: The dynamics of diversity in the social worker-client/client system relationship. Let's explore and then run a quick practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

The impact of immigration, refugee, or undocumented status on service delivery

The impact of immigration, refugee, or undocumented status on service delivery

October 30, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up on our ASWB exam content tour, a timely topic ripped from the headlines: The impact of immigration, refugee, or undocumented status on service delivery.

knowledge  |  practice

Methods to assess the client’s/client system’s communication skills

Methods to assess the client’s/client system’s communication skills

October 28, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our ASWB exam content outline tour continues with this: Methods to assess the client’s/client system’s communication skills. Let's take a look at the material and then try a practice question.

knowledge  |  practice

Accreditation and/or licensing requirements

Accreditation and/or licensing requirements

October 25, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up as we bounce around the ASWB exam content outline: Accreditation and/or licensing requirements. Here's a topic--assuming the ASWB means social work accreditation and licensing--


Community organizing and social planning methods

Community organizing and social planning methods

October 23, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's an ASWB exam content outline topic that seems to have been source of more and more questions on the exam itself: Community organizing and social planning methods. Let's dig in and then try a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

The factors and processes used in problem formulation

The factors and processes used in problem formulation

October 21, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our hop through the ASWB exam content outline now comes here: The factors and processes used in problem formulation. Let's take a look.  In social work, problem formulation is a critical first step in understanding and addressing client issues.

knowledge  |  practice

The indicators of the client’s/client system’s strengths and challenges

The indicators of the client’s/client system’s strengths and challenges

October 16, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

The ASWB exam content outline keeps on going and so do we. Next up: The indicators of the client’s/client system’s strengths and challenges. Let's take a look and then run a practice question on the material.

knowledge  |  practice

Consultation approaches

Consultation approaches

October 14, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Strolling through the ASWB exam content outline, we now pause at this: Consultation approaches (e.g. referrals to specialists). Let's look at the material and then try out a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

Methods to teach coping and other self-care skills

Methods to teach coping and other self-care skills

October 9, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Our journey through the ASWB exam content outline now brings us to this: Methods to teach coping and other self-care skills to clients/client systems. As ever, let's walk through the material and then try a free practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

Communication theories and styles

Communication theories and styles

October 7, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory

From the HBSE section of the ASWB exam outline, let's look at Communication theories and styles. The material explores how social workers interact with clients, collaborate with colleagues, and advocate for policy changes.

knowledge  |  theory

The components of a safe and positive work environment

The components of a safe and positive work environment

October 4, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's another ASWB exam content outline you might easily skip over while preparing for the licensing exam: The components of a safe and positive work environment. Let's not skip. Let's dig in and finish off with a practice question.

knowledge  |  practice

Legal and ethical issues regarding confidentiality

Legal and ethical issues regarding confidentiality

October 2, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's a crucial ASWB exam content outline for your review: Legal and/or ethical issues regarding confidentiality, including electronic information security. Let's review and then try out a practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

Task-centered approaches

Task-centered approaches

September 30, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

ASWB exam content outline tour next stop: Task-centered approaches. Get ready to answer ASWB exam questions on the topic by reading on! Task-centered approaches are a highly practical and time-

knowledge  |  practice

Methods, techniques, and instruments used to evaluate social work practice

Methods, techniques, and instruments used to evaluate social work practice

September 27, 2024  |  knowledge

Our stroll through the ASWB exam content outline continues, landing on this: Methods, techniques, and instruments used to evaluate social work practice. Let's do the usual--explore the topic, then how the topic may look on the ASWB exam.


Methods to incorporate psych and educational tests into assessment

Methods to incorporate psych and educational tests into assessment

September 25, 2024  |  knowledge

Continuing through the ASWB exam content outline, we arrive here: Methods to incorporate the results of psychological and educational tests into assessment. Not the most glamorous topic, but worth a look!


Sexual orientation concepts

Sexual orientation concepts

September 23, 2024  |  knowledge

Some more basics from the ASWB exam content outline for your review: Sexual orientation concepts. Let's read up and then look at how the material may appear on the social work licensing exam.


The principles and techniques of interviewing

The principles and techniques of interviewing

September 20, 2024  |  knowledge

Our ride through the ASWB exam content outline's next top: The principles and techniques of interviewing (e.g., supporting, clarifying, focusing, confronting, validating, feedback, reflecting, language differences, use of interpreters, redirecting).


The dynamics of power and transparency in social work

The dynamics of power and transparency in social work

September 18, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Here's some ASWB exam content material that's good to think upon whether or not you're preparing for the social work licensing exam: The dynamics of power and transparency in the social worker-client/client system relationship.

knowledge  |  ethics

Methods to establish service networks or community resources

Methods to establish service networks or community resources

September 16, 2024  |  knowledge

Our ASWB exam content outline excursion now brings us here: Methods to establish service networks or community resources. This is another macro topic that's easy to overlook as you're preparing to pass the social work licensing exam. Less so now.


Theories of social change and community development

Theories of social change and community development

September 13, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory

Next stop on our ASWB exam content outline tour: Theories of social change and community development. Let's look at the theories and then at how they might appear on the social work exam.

knowledge  |  theory

Methods of involving clients/client systems in problem identification

Methods of involving clients/client systems in problem identification

September 11, 2024  |  knowledge

Tiptoeing through the ASWB exam content outline, we arrive here: Methods of involving clients/client systems in problem identification (e.g., gathering collateral information).


The effect of disability on biopsychosocial functioning

The effect of disability on biopsychosocial functioning

September 9, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up as we bounce around through the ASWB exam content outline: The effect of disability on biopsychosocial functioning throughout the lifespan.


Body image and its impact

Body image and its impact

September 6, 2024  |  knowledge

The ASWB exam content outline (and, potentially, the exam itself) covers a wide range of questions and issues social worker encounter on the job. Next up on our walk-through: Body image and its impact (e.g., identity, self-


Role theory

Role theory

September 4, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory

Here's an ASWB exam content outline item worth reviewing (mainly because you may know nothing about the not often spotlighted concept): Role theory. Let's learn about it and then look at how the topic might appear on the social work exam.

knowledge  |  theory

Social Work and Labor

Social Work and Labor

September 2, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

For Labor Day, here's a post dedicated to labor and social work, finishing with a a free social work exam practice question on the topic.

knowledge  |  practice

The use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association

The use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association

August 30, 2024  |  knowledge  |  DSM

Here's a short line from the ASWB exam outline that hides an ask for a lot of possible know-how: The use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. No, they don't just mean how to open a book and turn pages.

knowledge  |  DSM

Biopsychosocial factors related to mental health

Biopsychosocial factors related to mental health

August 28, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up: Biopsychosocial factors related to mental health. The ASWB exam content outline delves into the biopsychosocial several times--more than you can count on your hand. So...worth knowing!


The indicators of motivation, resistance, and readiness to change

The indicators of motivation, resistance, and readiness to change

August 26, 2024  |  knowledge

Our ASWB exam content outline safari continues with this: The indicators of motivation, resistance, and readiness to change. If you're read in, this evokes things you know about Motivational Interviewing--a social work (and ASWB exam) staple.


Personality theories

Personality theories

August 21, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory

Continuing our ASWB exam content outline sojourn, we come to this: Personality theories. What about personality theories? Let's theorize about what the ASWB is looking for and how the material may appear on the social work exam.

knowledge  |  theory

The interplay of biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors

The interplay of biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors

August 19, 2024  |  knowledge

Here's a good and vague ASWB exam outline item for your quick review: The interplay of biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors. What's the ASWB getting at here?


The components of intervention, treatment, and service plans

The components of intervention, treatment, and service plans

August 16, 2024  |  knowledge

Onward through the ASWB exam content outline! Next up: The components of intervention, treatment, and service plans. Let's explore and then look at how the material may look on the exam itself.


Systemic discrimination

Systemic discrimination

August 14, 2024  |  knowledge

Here's another good ASWB exam content item worth some time to review: Systemic (institutionalized) discrimination (e.g., racism, sexism, ageism).


The indicators of normal and abnormal development throughout the lifespan

The indicators of normal and abnormal development throughout the lifespan

August 12, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up as we continue through the ASWB exam content outline: The indicators of normal and abnormal physical, cognitive, emotional, and sexual development throughout the lifespan.


Criminal justice systems

Criminal justice systems

August 9, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up as we continue meandering through the ASWB exam content outline: Criminal justice systems.


The effects of addiction and substance abuse

The effects of addiction and substance abuse

August 7, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

As we continue steaming through the ASWB exam content outline, we arrive here: The effects of addiction and substance abuse on individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

knowledge  |  practice

Time management approaches

Time management approaches

August 5, 2024  |  knowledge

Continuing our cruise through the ASWB exam content outline, we come to this: Time management approaches. Does that mean for social workers? For clients? On the exam? Let's take a look at all three!


Methods used to assess trauma

Methods used to assess trauma

July 31, 2024  |  knowledge

Here's an ASWB exam content outline item that's useful both for exam prep and for social work practice: Methods used to assess trauma. Let's take a look at how to put this to use with your clients and on the licensing exam.


Factors influencing self-image

Factors influencing self-image

July 29, 2024  |  knowledge

We're running short on high-interest ASWB content outline items. That doesn't mean we're running out of relevant items. They're all worth studying since they all may be the source of questions on the exam. Next up: Factors influencing self-image (e.


Biopsychosocial responses to illness and disability

Biopsychosocial responses to illness and disability

July 26, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

As we continue our hike through the ASWB exam content outline, we arrive at this: Biopsychosocial responses to illness and disability.

knowledge  |  practice

Data collection and analysis methods

Data collection and analysis methods

July 24, 2024  |  knowledge

We continue cruising through the ASWB exam content outline with another not-so-spicy topic, but one worth a look: Data collection and analysis methods. Let's review and see how the material may appear on the social work exam.


The indicators of behavioral dysfunction

The indicators of behavioral dysfunction

July 22, 2024  |  knowledge

Continuing our voyage through the ASWB content exam outline, we arrive here: The indicators of behavioral dysfunction. Let's review the indicators, the associated diagnoses, and how all of that may appear on the social work licensing exam.


Spotlight: The components of case management

Spotlight: The components of case management

July 19, 2024  |  knowledge

If you're a case manager, maybe you can skip this write up. Everyone else, gather around as we dive into another ASWB content outline topic: The components of case management.


Professional development activities to improve practice and maintain current professional knowledge

Professional development activities to improve practice and maintain current professional knowledge

July 17, 2024  |  knowledge

We're starting to run into some of the less juicy ASWB exam content outline items as we continue our exploration. Next up: Professional development activities to improve practice and maintain current professional knowledge (e.g., in-


The client's/client system's right to refuse services

The client's/client system's right to refuse services

July 15, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Next up on our ASWB exam journey: The client's/client system's right to refuse services (e.g., medication, medical treatment, counseling, placement, etc.).

knowledge  |  ethics

Methods to identify learning needs and develop learning objectives for supervisees

Methods to identify learning needs and develop learning objectives for supervisees

July 12, 2024  |  knowledge

Here's an ASWB exam content outline item somewhat more likely to show up as a question on the clinical exam than on the other levels: Methods to identify learning needs and develop learning objectives for supervisees.


The relationship between formal and informal power structures in the decision-making process

The relationship between formal and informal power structures in the decision-making process

July 10, 2024  |  knowledge

Here's a wordy ASWB exam content outline topic for quick review: The relationship between formal and informal power structures in the decision-making process. You may wonder, "What's the ASWB getting at here?" This is some of the more organization-


The effects of physical, mental, and cognitive impairments throughout the lifespan

The effects of physical, mental, and cognitive impairments throughout the lifespan

July 8, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up as we trek through the ASWB exam content outline: The effects of physical, mental, and cognitive disabilities throughout the lifespan. (The ASWB uses the word disabilities; we'll substitute the somewhat less charged impairments here.


Social worker self-care principles and techniques

Social worker self-care principles and techniques

July 5, 2024  |  knowledge  |  less stress

Our ASWB exam content outline expedition continues with this: Social worker self-care principles and techniques. We've covered this material before on (see the "less stress" tag) not always as exam content, but as good exam prep. So this is a two-

knowledge  |  less stress

Family therapy models, interventions, and approaches

Family therapy models, interventions, and approaches

July 1, 2024  |  theory  |  knowledge

Next up in our adventure tour of the ASWB exam outline: Family therapy models, interventions, and approaches. Let's take a look at the topic and then at how this material may appear on the social work licensing exam. Ready...? Let's go.

theory  |  knowledge

The indicators of psychosocial stress

The indicators of psychosocial stress

June 28, 2024  |  knowledge

Next stop on our ASWB exam content outline voyage: The indicators of psychosocial stress. You know 'em when you see 'em, if you've been a social worker (or a person) long enough.


The principles of culturally competent social work practice

The principles of culturally competent social work practice

June 26, 2024  |  knowledge

Our ASWB exam outline expedition continues with this: The principles of culturally competent social work practice. Let's look at those principles and then at how they may appear on the social work licensing exam.


Methods to assess the client strengths, resources, and challenges

Methods to assess the client strengths, resources, and challenges

June 24, 2024  |  knowledge

Next on our journey through the ASWB exam outline: Methods to assess the client's/client system's strengths, resources, and challenges (e.g., individual, family, group, organization, community).


The basic terminology of other professions

The basic terminology of other professions

June 21, 2024  |  knowledge

Our ASWB exam outline tour continues with this: The basic terminology of professions other than social work (e.g., legal, educational).


The impact of out-of-home displacement

The impact of out-of-home displacement

June 19, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up in our journey through the ASWB exam outline: The impact of out-of-home displacement (e.g., natural disaster, homelessness, immigration) on clients/client systems.


Methods to assess coping abilities

Methods to assess coping abilities

June 17, 2024  |  knowledge

Let's continue diving into the ASWB exam content outline. Next up: Methods to assess the client’s/client system’s coping abilities. Most of this should be familiar based upon experience--you may have tried it all at least a little.


Methods to assess motivation, resistance, and readiness to change

Methods to assess motivation, resistance, and readiness to change

June 12, 2024  |  knowledge

Next stop on our ASWB exam content outline tour: Methods to assess motivation, resistance, and readiness to change. Your first thought about this is likely something about Motivational Interviewing--and you're right on target!


Theories of group development and functioning

Theories of group development and functioning

June 10, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up on our ASWB exam content outline deep dive: Theories of group development and functioning. This isn't vital, sure-to-be-on-the-test material. Don't take time and energy cramming it into your brain.


Methods to evaluate agency programs

Methods to evaluate agency programs

June 7, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up in our ASWB exam content outline tour: Methods to evaluate agency programs (e.g., needs assessment, formative/summative assessment, cost effectiveness, cost-benefit analysis, outcomes assessment).


Ethical issues in supervision and management

Ethical issues in supervision and management

June 5, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Let's look at another ethics item from the ASWB exam content outline: Ethical issues in supervision and management.

knowledge  |  ethics

Legal and/or ethical issues related to death and dying

Legal and/or ethical issues related to death and dying

June 3, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Continuing in the ethics section of the ASWB exam outline, we come to this: Legal and/or ethical issues related to death and dying. Dealing with death and dying is one of the more challenging aspects of social work.

knowledge  |  ethics

The influence of the social worker's own values and beliefs

The influence of the social worker's own values and beliefs

June 3, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

This next item from the ASWB content outline is a long one: The influence of the social worker's own values and beliefs on the social workerclient/client system relationship. This is a crucial topic for the exam.

knowledge  |  ethics

Research ethics

Research ethics

June 1, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Our several-post-long ethics run likely ends--at least for the time being--with this ASWB content outline topic: Research ethics (e.g., institutional review boards, use of human subjects, informed consent).

knowledge  |  ethics

Self-disclosure principles and applications

Self-disclosure principles and applications

May 30, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Self-disclosure principles and applications is next up on our tour of the ASWB exam content outline. These ethics questions are some of the easiest to prepare for and most likely to appear on the exam. Let's take a look.  Principles of Self-

knowledge  |  ethics

Ethical issues related to dual relationships

Ethical issues related to dual relationships

May 28, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Next up, another from the ethics section of the ASWB exam content outline: Ethical issues related to dual relationships. Exam writers love these vignette-friendly ethics topics. Don't be surprised if you see this topic on the test.

knowledge  |  ethics

Legal and/or ethical issues regarding termination

Legal and/or ethical issues regarding termination

May 26, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics  |  practice

Next stop on our ASWB exam content outline tour: Legal and/or ethical issues regarding termination. Let's look at the topic and try out a practice question afterwards.

knowledge  |  ethics  |  practice

Legal and/or ethical issues regarding documentation

Legal and/or ethical issues regarding documentation

May 24, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Here's a topic from the ASWB exam content outline that is very likely to make an appearance on the exam: Legal and/or ethical issues regarding documentation. Let's dig in and then look at how social work exam questions about this topic may look.

knowledge  |  ethics

Assertiveness training

Assertiveness training

May 22, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up in our ASWB exam content outline tour: Assertiveness training. That doesn't jump out as crucial, social work-specific knowledge, but there it is, so let's review and see how the material may look on the social work licensing exam.


Psychoanalytic and psychodynamic approaches

Psychoanalytic and psychodynamic approaches

May 20, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory

From the intervention section of the ASWB exam outline, let's look at psychoanalytic and psychodynamic approaches and how they may appear on the social work exam.

knowledge  |  theory

Common psychotropic and non-psychotropic prescriptions

Common psychotropic and non-psychotropic prescriptions

May 17, 2024  |  knowledge

Whether or not this next ASWB exam topic shows up on the exam or not, it will show up--and fast--in your day-to-day social work life: Common psychotropic and non-psychotropic prescriptions and over-the-counter medications and their side effects.


Addiction theories and concepts

Addiction theories and concepts

May 15, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory

Next up as we tour the ASWB exam content outline: Addiction theories and concepts. This is another one of those broad topic areas that could encompass more information than you could possibly have at your fingertips on exam day.

knowledge  |  theory

The impact of physical and mental illness on family dynamics

The impact of physical and mental illness on family dynamics

May 13, 2024  |  knowledge

Next ASWB exam content item for your consideration: The impact of physical and mental illness on family dynamics. This is in the HBSE section. It's a little vague, but let's take a look at the topic and how it may appear on the social work exam.


Techniques for mobilizing community participation

Techniques for mobilizing community participation

May 10, 2024  |  knowledge

It's easy to get lost in the weeds with all the clinical information that may show up on the social work licensing exam. But don't sleep on the mezzo and macro topics.


Partializing techniques

Partializing techniques

May 8, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's another ASWB exam content outline item to brush up on: Partializing techniques. Partializing is the process of breaking down complex problems or situations into smaller, more manageable components.

knowledge  |  practice

Mindfulness and complementary therapeutic approaches

Mindfulness and complementary therapeutic approaches

May 6, 2024  |  knowledge  |  less stress

Next up in our journey through the ASWB exam content outline: Mindfulness and complementary therapeutic approaches. Let's take a look at the topic and how it may appear on the social work exam.

knowledge  |  less stress

Case recording for practice evaluation or supervision

Case recording for practice evaluation or supervision

May 3, 2024  |  knowledge

Case recording for practice evaluation or supervision is next up in our walk through the ASWB exam content outline. Let's look at the topic and how it might appear on the social work licensing exam.  Case Recording Case recording (recorded-


Legal and/or ethical issues regarding mandatory reporting

Legal and/or ethical issues regarding mandatory reporting

May 1, 2024  |  knowledge

Here's another important ASWB exam content (and social work practice) topic: Legal and/or ethical issues regarding mandatory reporting (e.g., abuse, threat of harm, impaired professionals, etc.).


Theories of sexual development throughout the lifespan

Theories of sexual development throughout the lifespan

April 29, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory

From the Human Growth and Development section of the ASWB exam outline, here's a good-to-be-familiar-with item: Theories of sexual development throughout the lifespan.

knowledge  |  theory

Permanency planning

Permanency planning

April 26, 2024  |  knowledge

If you haven't worked with out-of-home children, you may not be familiar with this topic, the next in our tour of the ASWB exam content outline: Permanency planning.


The effects of discrimination and stereotypes

The effects of discrimination and stereotypes

April 24, 2024  |  knowledge

From the Diversity and Discrimination section of the ASWB exam content outline, let's look at this topic: The effects of discrimination and stereotypes on behaviors, attitudes, and identity.


The indicators of addiction and substance abuse

The indicators of addiction and substance abuse

April 22, 2024  |  knowledge

Next ASWB exam content item to explore: The indicators of addiction and substance abuse. Let's look at general indictors, then how substance abuse is assessed by social workers in session, followed by some substance-by-


Educational components, techniques, and methods of supervision

Educational components, techniques, and methods of supervision

April 19, 2024  |  knowledge

Last post was the supervisee's role in supervision. What about supervisors? One of the ASWB exam content outline items covering that: Educational components, techniques, and methods of supervision.


The supervisee's role in supervision II

The supervisee's role in supervision II

April 17, 2024  |  knowledge

Supervision is a repeated topic area in the ASWB exam content outline--so we're covering it extra here, looking again at one, wordy example: The supervisee's role in supervision (e.g., identifying learning needs, self-assessment, prioritizing, etc.).


Methods to establish program objectives and outcomes

Methods to establish program objectives and outcomes

April 15, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up on our ASWB exam outline tour: Methods to establish program objectives and outcomes. With all the clinical material to learn as you're preparing for the exam, it's wise not to ignore mezzo and macro knowledge.


Crisis intervention and treatment approaches

Crisis intervention and treatment approaches

April 12, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory  |  practice

Next up as we jump around in the ASWB exam content outline: Crisis intervention and treatment approaches. This review will be a good overall look at key treatment approaches in social work.

knowledge  |  theory  |  practice

The indicators of mental and emotional illness throughout the lifespan

The indicators of mental and emotional illness throughout the lifespan

April 10, 2024  |  knowledge

The indicators of mental and emotional illness throughout the lifespan is next up in our ASWB exam content outline tour. Let's take it a milestone at a time and then look at how this topic may look on the social work exam.


The indicators of client/client system readiness for termination

The indicators of client/client system readiness for termination

April 8, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

When is it time to end treatment? Next up in our tour of the ASWB exam content outline: The indicators of client/client system readiness for termination. Let's dig in and then see how this material may look on the social work licensing exam.

knowledge  |  practice

The supervisee's role in supervision

The supervisee's role in supervision

April 5, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Supervision is a two-way street and an important part of good social work practice. Which is undoubtedly how the ASWB arrived at this exam content outline topic: The supervisee's role in supervision (e.g., identifying learning needs, self-

knowledge  |  practice

Techniques for protecting and enhancing client self-determination

Techniques for protecting and enhancing client self-determination

April 3, 2024  |  knowledge

Techniques for protecting and enhancing client/client system self-determination is up next in our trek through the ASWB exam outline. Let's take a look. Self-


Group work techniques and approaches

Group work techniques and approaches

April 1, 2024  |  theory  |  knowledge

Next up in our foray into the ASWB exam content outline: Group work techniques and approaches (e.g., developing and managing group processes and cohesion). Let's walk through the topic then look at home it might appear on the social work exam.

theory  |  knowledge

The elements of a case presentation

The elements of a case presentation

March 29, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up as we navigate our way through the ASWB exam content outline: The elements of a case presentation. Let's review then examine how this info may look on the social work exam.


Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies

Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies

March 27, 2024  |  knowledge

Our expedition through the ASWB exam outline continues with this: Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies.


Methods to engage and work with involuntary clients/client systems

Methods to engage and work with involuntary clients/client systems

March 25, 2024  |  knowledge

Eventually we'll run out of ASWB exam content outline topics to examine here. But for now, we've got plenty to go. Next up: Methods to engage and work with involuntary clients/client systems.


Verbal and nonverbal communication techniques

Verbal and nonverbal communication techniques

March 22, 2024  |  knowledge

Our path through the ASWB exam content outline continues with this: Verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. Let's examine the topic and how it may appear on the social work licensing exam.


Stress management techniques

Stress management techniques

March 21, 2024  |  knowledge  |  less stress

Studying this ASWB exam outline topic--stress management techniques--simultaneously prepares you for exam questions and potentially gives you ways to stay calm, cool, and collected in the often stressful run-up to the test itself.

knowledge  |  less stress

Evidence-based practice

Evidence-based practice

March 18, 2024  |  knowledge

Evidence-based practice -- the phrase comes up all the time in social work settings. And it's part of the ASWB exam outline. But what exactly does it mean and how might the concept appear on the social work licensing exam? Let's take a look.


The social worker's role in the problem-solving process

The social worker's role in the problem-solving process

March 15, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up as we travel through the ASWB exam content outline: The social worker's role in the problem-solving process. First, a question: what's that mean exactly?  The Problem-Solving Process The problem-


The components of case management

The components of case management

March 13, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up as we tour the ASWB exam content outline: The components of case management. Let's dive right in and help you get that much more ready to pass the ASWB exam. What is Case Management?


The technique of role play

The technique of role play

March 11, 2024  |  knowledge

Our journey through the ASWB exam outline continues. Next stop: The technique of role play. Let's study up and then see how questions on the topic might look on the social work licensing exam.


Couples interventions and treatment approaches

Couples interventions and treatment approaches

March 7, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up as we work our way through the ASWB exam content outline: Couples interventions and treatment approaches. Some--but not all--of this is likely familiar material.


The impact of transference and countertransference in the social worker-client/client system relationship

The impact of transference and countertransference in the social worker-client/client system relationship

March 6, 2024  |  knowledge

The impact of transference and countertransference in the social worker-client/client system relationship is next up in our tour of the ASWB exam content outline. Let's take a look at the concepts--


Burnout, secondary trauma, and compassion fatigue

Burnout, secondary trauma, and compassion fatigue

March 4, 2024  |  knowledge

Here's another ASWB exam content outline item that's good to stay mindful of for everyday social work practice: Burnout, secondary trauma, and compassion fatigue.


Techniques to identify and resolve ethical dilemmas

Techniques to identify and resolve ethical dilemmas

February 29, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Continuing through the ASWB exam content outline, we come to: Techniques to identify and resolve ethical dilemmas. This is good, essential social work and good essential exam prep. Let's dive in to get you ready to pass the ASWB exam!

knowledge  |  ethics

Psychoeducation methods (e.g., acknowledging, supporting, normalizing)

Psychoeducation methods (e.g., acknowledging, supporting, normalizing)

February 28, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up in our ASWB exam content outline tour: Psychoeducation methods (e.g., acknowledging, supporting, normalizing).


Techniques used to evaluate a client's/client system's progress

Techniques used to evaluate a client's/client system's progress

February 26, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

The ASWB exam content outline tour we're doing continues with this topic: Techniques used to evaluate a client's/client system's progress. Simply put, the topic is, "How do I know how a client is doing?

knowledge  |  practice

The impact of the political environment on policy-making

The impact of the political environment on policy-making

February 23, 2024  |  knowledge

The ASWB exam content outline's service delivery section gets macro with this topic: The impact of the political environment on policy-making.


The principles of case recording, documentation, and management of practice records

The principles of case recording, documentation, and management of practice records

February 21, 2024  |  knowledge

Another mouthful from the ASWB exam content outline: The principles of case recording, documentation, and management of practice records. Let's break that into sections to help you get ready to pass the social work licensing exam.


Role modeling techniques

Role modeling techniques

February 19, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Next up in our tour of the ASWB exam outline: Role modeling techniques. Read up to get prepared for the social work licensing exam. Stick around for the free practice question at the end of the post!

knowledge  |  practice

Anger management techniques

Anger management techniques

February 16, 2024  |  knowledge

Here's an ASWB exam content outline item you already likely know a good deal about: Anger management techniques. Let's look at this from a few angles to get you ready to pass the social work licensing exam. In Social Work Here's a start-to-


The criteria used in the selection of intervention/treatment modalities

The criteria used in the selection of intervention/treatment modalities

February 14, 2024  |  knowledge

Continuing through the ASWB exam content outline, here's a mouthful of a topic: The criteria used in the selection of intervention/treatment modalities (e.g., client/client system abilities, culture, life stage).


Methods to assess ego strengths (including tools)

Methods to assess ego strengths (including tools)

February 12, 2024  |  knowledge

The ASWB exam outline brings us now to this topic: Methods to assess ego strengths. Let's take a look. Approaches Assessing ego strengths is crucial for understanding an individual's capacity for resilience, coping mechanisms, and overall well-being.


Psychological defense mechanisms and their effects on behavior and relationships

Psychological defense mechanisms and their effects on behavior and relationships

February 9, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory

The ASWB exam content outline journeys into ego psychology with this item: Psychological defense mechanisms and their effects on behavior and relationships.

knowledge  |  theory

Methods to assess organizational functioning (e.g., agency assessments)

Methods to assess organizational functioning (e.g., agency assessments)

February 7, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

Agency and community questions seem to have grabbed a greater portion of social work licensing exam questions than they once claimed. The ASWB exam content outline has had those topics all along.

knowledge  |  practice

The characteristics of perpetrators of abuse, neglect, and exploitation

The characteristics of perpetrators of abuse, neglect, and exploitation

February 5, 2024  |  knowledge

The ASWB exam content outline walk-through continues. This time: The characteristics of perpetrators of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. You probably have a good sense of this without reading up. But let's explore.


Methods to obtain sensitive information (e.g., substance abuse, sexual abuse)

Methods to obtain sensitive information (e.g., substance abuse, sexual abuse)

February 2, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up in our tour of the ASWB exam content outline: Methods to obtain sensitive information (e.g., substance abuse, sexual abuse). This is good, essential social work material. The methods--listed below--


Congruence and Genuineness in Psychotherapy

Congruence and Genuineness in Psychotherapy

February 1, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory

Congruence and genuineness are essential concepts in person-centered therapy developed by Carl Rogers. These terms are often used interchangeably and are crucial for building a therapeutic relationship.

knowledge  |  theory

The principles and techniques for building and maintaining a helping relationship

The principles and techniques for building and maintaining a helping relationship

January 31, 2024  |  knowledge

Forging through the ASWB exam content outline, we get to: The principles and techniques for building and maintaining a helping relationship. This is the basics. Building rapport, keeping rapport. How do you do it?


The principles and processes of obtaining informed consent

The principles and processes of obtaining informed consent

January 29, 2024  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Back for more ASWB exam outline exploration. Next up: The principles and processes of obtaining informed consent. Let's dive in.

knowledge  |  ethics

Basic and applied research design and methods

Basic and applied research design and methods

January 26, 2024  |  knowledge

This topic--research design--I don't made appearance in my MSW classes. Did it in yours? It doesn't seem terribly likely to show up on the licensing exam. But it's in the ASWB exam content outline, so, just in case, let's review.


The principles and features of objective and subjective data

The principles and features of objective and subjective data

January 24, 2024  |  knowledge  |  practice

The ASWB exam content outline keeps on going, and we keep on digging in. This time: The principles and features of objective and subjective data. This one's pretty straightforward.

knowledge  |  practice

Discharge, aftercare, and follow-up planning

Discharge, aftercare, and follow-up planning

January 22, 2024  |  knowledge

Next up on our ASWB exam content outline tour: Discharge, aftercare, and follow-up planning. If you've worked at any of these, you know they're not so simple--something like juggling while balancing something on your head--


Social Learning Theory

Social Learning Theory

January 17, 2024  |  knowledge  |  theory

Putting together the theories of human development a few posts ago, realized that we've somehow never posted about social learning theory here. Let's fix that and then take a look how this material may appear on the social work licensing exam.

knowledge  |  theory

Methods to assess ego strengths

Methods to assess ego strengths

January 15, 2024  |  knowledge  |  aswb exam outline

Another visit to the ASWB exam content outline brings this item: Methods to assess ego strengths. Let's explore...

knowledge  |  aswb exam outline

Theories of human development throughout the lifespan

Theories of human development throughout the lifespan

January 10, 2024  |  knowledge

Top line of the current ASWB exam content outline: Theories of human development throughout the lifespan (e.g., physical, social, emotional, cognitive, behavioral). So, "Everything you wanted to know about human development, but were afraid to ask"?


Exam Topic: Basic Human Needs

Exam Topic: Basic Human Needs

January 8, 2024  |  knowledge

Another stop on the ASWB exam content train: Basic human needs. You might think this material has been covered elsewhere in the outline (and on this blog). Yes. Yes, it has. But apparently the ASWB really wants you have a good look at this content.


Co-occurring disorders and conditions

Co-occurring disorders and conditions

January 3, 2024  |  knowledge

Returning to the ASWB exam content outline, let's look at co-occurring disorders and conditions. Let's get some facts down and then look at how the topic may appear on the social work licensing exam. Co-Occurring Disorders First, a definition: Co-


Strengths-based and resilience theories

Strengths-based and resilience theories

December 21, 2023  |  knowledge  |  theory

Strengths-based and resilience theories is next up in our tour of the ASWB exam content outline. Let's take a look at the topic and how it may show up on the licensing exam. Strengths-Based Theory Strengths-

knowledge  |  theory

Basic principles of human genetics

Basic principles of human genetics

December 18, 2023  |  knowledge

Continuing through the ASWB exam outline, a topic you may not have considered much since high school biology: Basic principles of human genetics. Let's get some fundamentals reloaded, just in case something from the topic appears on the ASWB exam.


The principles of attachment and bonding

The principles of attachment and bonding

December 14, 2023  |  knowledge

Continuing our tour of the ASWB exam content outline, next up: The principles of attachment and bonding. Below, what you need to know on the topic to handle questions on the ASWB exam.


Gerontology and the Social Work Exam

Gerontology and the Social Work Exam

December 11, 2023  |  knowledge

Here's another overly broad ASWB exam outline item for review: Gerontology. "Gerontology?!" you may ask. "All of it? People get master's degrees in gerontology. Do I need to get another master's?" Answer: no.


The principles of active listening and observation

The principles of active listening and observation

December 6, 2023  |  knowledge

From the ASWB exam content outline, a simple topic: The principles of active listening and observation. Let's take a look at the info and then at how this topic may appear on the social work licensing exam.


Spotlight: Factors influencing self-image

Spotlight: Factors influencing self-image

December 4, 2023  |  knowledge

Here's a ASWB exam content outline item worth another look: Factors influencing self-image (e.g., culture, race, religion/spirituality, age, disability, trauma). The e.g.


Symptoms of neurologic and organic disorders

Symptoms of neurologic and organic disorders

December 1, 2023  |  knowledge

Here's a broad and vague item on in the ASWB exam content outline: Symptoms of neurologic and organic disorders. Which disorders? They're not saying. Do they mean all possible organic disorders?


The indicators of traumatic stress and violence

The indicators of traumatic stress and violence

November 28, 2023  |  knowledge

From the Assessment and Diagnosis section of the ASWB exam outline, an important topic: The indicators of traumatic stress and violence. Let's review.


Basic Human Needs

Basic Human Needs

November 22, 2023  |  knowledge

From the ASWB exam content outline, another topic to explore as you prepare for the social work exam: Basic human needs. What's your first thought on the topic? Probably Maslow. Which is likely how exam item writers will approach the topic.


The impact of the transitioning process on behaviors, attitudes, identity, and relationships

The impact of the transitioning process on behaviors, attitudes, identity, and relationships

November 20, 2023  |  knowledge

From the Diversity and Discrimination section of the ASWB exam content outline: The impact of transgender and transitioning process on behaviors, attitudes, identity, and relationships. Not sure how they arrived at that wording.


Basic Medical Terminology for Social Workers

Basic Medical Terminology for Social Workers

November 16, 2023  |  knowledge

From the ASWB exam content outline, a door into a whole world of info you might be expected to know: Basic medical terminology. Well, that could mean lots of different things.


Methods of Conflict Resolution

Methods of Conflict Resolution

November 13, 2023  |  knowledge

Methods of conflict resolution is a quick line in the ASWB exam content outline, but there's more than a quick line's worth of knowledge to familiarize yourself with ahead of the social work licensing exam.


The components of a biopsychosocial assessment

The components of a biopsychosocial assessment

November 8, 2023  |  knowledge

Here's a small part of the social work licensing exam that's a big part of social work: biopsychosocial assessments. (In the outline, it's the components of a biopsychosocial assessment.


Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-Informed Care

November 6, 2023  |  knowledge

Trauma-informed care makes a several appearances on the ASWB exam content outline. It makes good sense to understand the topic before sitting down for the social work licensing exam.


ASWB Exam Topic: The indicators of addiction and substance abuse

ASWB Exam Topic: The indicators of addiction and substance abuse

November 2, 2023  |  knowledge

From the ASWB content outline--and from everyday social work practice--a topic: The indicators of addiction and substance abuse. Let's discuss.


Somatization and Somatic Symptom Disorder

Somatization and Somatic Symptom Disorder

October 31, 2023  |  knowledge  |  DSM

What is somatization? Somatization is a psychological phenomenon where emotional distress is expressed through physical symptoms. People who somatize often have multiple unexplained physical complaints that may lead to frequent medical visits.

knowledge  |  DSM

Professional objectivity in the social worker-client/client-system relationship

Professional objectivity in the social worker-client/client-system relationship

October 26, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

The ASWB exam includes this item under Professional Development and Use of Self: Professional objectivity in the social worker-client/client-system relationship.  The licensing exam will very likely touch on this, so let's explore. A free, ASWB exam-

knowledge  |  practice

Interdisciplinary Collaboration and the Social Work Exam

Interdisciplinary Collaboration and the Social Work Exam

October 23, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

Interdisciplinary collaboration is one of those vague ASWB exam content outline items that it's tempting to ignore. But let's take a look. What do you need to know? And how might this look on the social work licensing exam?

knowledge  |  practice

Theories of Conflict and the Social Work Exam

Theories of Conflict and the Social Work Exam

October 17, 2023  |  theory  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's another item from the ASWB exam content outline worth of look: theories of conflict. It's in the HBSE section of a social work exam--

theory  |  knowledge  |  practice

The impact of stress, trauma, and violence

The impact of stress, trauma, and violence

October 13, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

Here's an ASWB content outline item worth a look: The impact of stress, trauma, and violence. Let's explore. A practice question is at the end of the post. Stress, trauma, and violence can have both short-term and long-

knowledge  |  practice

Feminist Theory and the Social Work Exam

Feminist Theory and the Social Work Exam

October 7, 2023  |  theory  |  knowledge  |  practice

Another item on the ASWB's exam outline: feminist theory. Let's review to get you ready to handle any feminist theory questions that come up on the social work licensing exam. We'll finish with a free practice question.

theory  |  knowledge  |  practice

Systems and Ecological Perspectives and Theories

Systems and Ecological Perspectives and Theories

October 3, 2023  |  aswb  |  knowledge

Here's another item from the HBSE section of the ASWB content outline: Systems and ecological perspectives and theories. Let's do a little learning and then top that off with a quick practice question.

aswb  |  knowledge

Social Work Exam Knowledge: The Impact of Caregiving on Families

Social Work Exam Knowledge: The Impact of Caregiving on Families

September 28, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

Another item from the HBSE section of the ASWB exam content outline:  The impact of caregiving on families. Let's brush up on the topic. A free ASWB-exam style practice question follows.

knowledge  |  practice

The effect of aging on biopsychosocial functioning

The effect of aging on biopsychosocial functioning

September 26, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

Continuing through the ASWB content exam outline, here's a simple seeming item: The effect of aging on biopsychosocial functioning. Just by living and knowing people--friends, family--you have a handle on much of this material.

knowledge  |  practice

Theories of racial, ethnic, and cultural development throughout the lifespan

Theories of racial, ethnic, and cultural development throughout the lifespan

September 19, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice  |  theory

Here's a item straight from the ASWB content outline: Theories of racial, ethnic, and cultural development throughout the lifespan. You may know them well; they may be entirely new to you.

knowledge  |  practice  |  theory

Theories of Spiritual Development and the Social Work Exam

Theories of Spiritual Development and the Social Work Exam

September 11, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

Right near the top of all levels of the ASWB's content outline is a simple-seeming item: Theories of spiritual development throughout the lifespan. But there aren't a ton of well-known theories of spiritual development.

knowledge  |  practice

The Mental Status Exam

The Mental Status Exam

September 1, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

You may not have used the Mental Status Exam (MSE) as a social worker. You may not have encountered much about it at school. But there's lots on it worth knowing as you prepare for the ASWB (and a social work career). Here are some of the essentials.

knowledge  |  practice

Understanding Personality Disorders

Understanding Personality Disorders

August 17, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

Personality disorders are characterized by enduring patterns of inner experience and behavior that deviate significantly from cultural norms, causing distress or impairment in functioning.

knowledge  |  practice

Substance Intoxication vs. Withdrawal

Substance Intoxication vs. Withdrawal

August 14, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

Substance withdrawal and substance intoxication both come up regularly in social work practice. Don’t be surprised to find them on the ASWB exam!  Here's a breakdown of each term, followed by some substance-by-

knowledge  |  practice

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

August 10, 2023  |  theory  |  knowledge  |  practice

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow in the 1940s. The theory suggests that individuals have a hierarchy of needs that must be fulfilled to realize one's full potential.

theory  |  knowledge  |  practice

A Freud Primer

A Freud Primer

August 7, 2023  |  theory  |  knowledge  |  practice

Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) was the founder of psychoanalysis. His groundbreaking work delved into the unconscious mind, proposing that it influences human behavior and emotions.

theory  |  knowledge  |  practice

Theories of Couples Development

Theories of Couples Development

August 4, 2023  |  knowledge  |  theory  |  practice

A couple has recently started dating and is in the early stages of their relationship. They have just begun to share more personal information with each other, and their interactions are becoming more frequent and intimate.

knowledge  |  theory  |  practice

Understanding Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

Understanding Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

August 3, 2023  |  knowledge  |  theory  |  practice

Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development was developed in the 1950s and 1960s, outlining the stages individuals progress through in their moral reasoning from childhood to adulthood.

knowledge  |  theory  |  practice

The Family Life Cycle and the Social Work Exam

The Family Life Cycle and the Social Work Exam

August 3, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

Various models and theories have been proposed to describe the stages of the family life cycle. While some models follow a linear progression, others consider more dynamic and diverse family structures.

knowledge  |  practice

CBT Primer

CBT Primer

July 31, 2023  |  knowledge

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has emerged as a powerful and widely recognized therapeutic approach that addresses a multitude of mental health issues. Since CBT is evidence-


Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development

Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development

July 27, 2023  |  knowledge  |  practice

Erik Erikson (1902-1994) was a prominent German-American psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychosocial development.

knowledge  |  practice

The Theorists

The Theorists

July 25, 2023  |  knowledge  |  theory

Toward a possible big book of exam content, here are some key theorists and their theories--

knowledge  |  theory

Hospital Social Work and the ASWB Exam

Hospital Social Work and the ASWB Exam

July 8, 2023  |  knowledge

Someone tells you that a lot of hospital social work questions came up on the ASWB exam. Well, first, they’re not supposed to tell you what they encountered on the exam. But you can’t unhear it.


Macro Practice and the ASWB Exam

Macro Practice and the ASWB Exam

July 3, 2023  |  practice  |  knowledge

Preparing for the ASWB exam, it's easy to get caught up the small details of micro practice (eg, "How many weeks of depression before it can be considered a Major Depressive Episode?"). But don’t sleep on macro practice.

practice  |  knowledge

How to Effectively Prepare for the Human Growth and Development Section of the ASWB Exam

How to Effectively Prepare for the Human Growth and Development Section of the ASWB Exam

April 13, 2023  |  knowledge

There’s an enormous amount of information to get a handle on to pass the exam. Happily, it’s divided into sections. Here, we look at the Human Growth and Development section and how to get yourself ready to pass questions in that topic area.


The principles and techniques for building and maintaining a helping relationship (ASWB Exam Content Spotlight)

The principles and techniques for building and maintaining a helping relationship (ASWB Exam Content Spotlight)

January 13, 2023  |  knowledge

Here's a wordy item from the ASWB content outline. Among the knowledge, skills, and abilities the exam aims to assess. Do you know the principles and techniques for building and maintaining a helping relationship?


Characteristics of Perpetrators of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation (ASWB Exam Content Spotlight)

Characteristics of Perpetrators of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation (ASWB Exam Content Spotlight)

January 3, 2023  |  knowledge

The ASWB exam content outline has this broad topic area: Characteristics of Perpetrators of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation. We asked ChatGPT-an artificial intelligence machine--for a post on the topic.


Person-in-Environment (PIE) Theory (ASWB Exam Content Spotlight)

Person-in-Environment (PIE) Theory (ASWB Exam Content Spotlight)

December 23, 2022  |  knowledge  |  practice

Person-in-Environment (PIE) theory is a holistic approach to social work practice that recognizes the importance of both individual and environmental factors in understanding a person's well-being and behavior.

knowledge  |  practice

New NASW Code of Ethics Updates

New NASW Code of Ethics Updates

October 25, 2021  |  ethics  |  knowledge

The NASW has updated the Code of Ethics, its essential guide to social work practice and a hefty part of the social work licensing exam. Changes for 2020 and 2021 are highlighted here.

ethics  |  knowledge

Community Organizing and the Social Work Exam

Community Organizing and the Social Work Exam

September 20, 2021  |  practice  |  knowledge

Social workers are not permitted to talk about what they encountered on the ASWB exam and we never ask. Which is how it should be. The social work exam changes fairly regularly.

practice  |  knowledge

NASW Ethics 8

NASW Ethics 8

April 7, 2020  |  ethics  |  knowledge

Here's a series of articles via the NASW, each tackling another ethics issue (in eight bullet points): Ethics 8. Read through and imagine that you're an exam question writer on the hunt for a new question subject.

ethics  |  knowledge

Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders

Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders

October 4, 2019  |  knowledge  |  DSM  |  practice

Let's take a look at the Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders chapter of the DSM. How do you distinguish the diagnosis from one another? This could come in handy on the licensing exam.  First, the criteria.

knowledge  |  DSM  |  practice

ASWB Exam Practice - "You two are really good are arguing."

ASWB Exam Practice - "You two are really good are arguing."

September 16, 2019  |  practice  |  knowledge

Here's a free practice question to help get you ready to pass the ASWB exam. A couple has been meeting with a social worker for three weeks. They report wanting to work on their marriage.

practice  |  knowledge

Pod Save Your ASWB Exam Prep

Pod Save Your ASWB Exam Prep

July 11, 2019  |  knowledge  |  audio

We used to blognounce every time a new episode of the Social Work Podcast came out. Now, instead of all those posts, you get a once-in-a-while reminder about all the exam-prep-friendly free content that the podcast has in its archives.

knowledge  |  audio

ASWB Exam Pratice—Erikson’s Stages

ASWB Exam Pratice—Erikson’s Stages

June 17, 2019  |  practice  |  knowledge

Here's a quick practice question to keep you on your toes. A man brings his 16-year-old son to a therapy appointment to have him assessed for depression. His son has started wearing black and has dyed his blond hair black.

practice  |  knowledge

What's the difference between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder?

What's the difference between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder?

February 19, 2019  |  knowledge  |  DSM  |  practice

They sound alike and look alike. They're not the same thing. Here's how to tell the difference between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. The DSM devotes a chapter to Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders.

knowledge  |  DSM  |  practice

What's the Difference Between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa?

What's the Difference Between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa?

February 12, 2019  |  knowledge  |  DSM  |  practice

Given the similarities between bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa, binge-eating/purging type, there's room for confusion when making a diagnosis, whether on the ASWB exam or in real life. Let's take a look at what the DSM says about each.

knowledge  |  DSM  |  practice

Name That Defense Mechanism

Name That Defense Mechanism

August 5, 2016  |  knowledge  |  quiz

Here's a quick quiz that should help you lock down your ease with defense mechanism. What are defense mechanisms?

knowledge  |  quiz

Generalized Anxiety Disorder and the Social Work Exam

Generalized Anxiety Disorder and the Social Work Exam

April 13, 2016  |  knowledge  |  DSM

The theme lately has been anxiety disorders. Let's continue now with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Criteria for GAD are pretty straightforward: A.

knowledge  |  DSM

Panic Disorder and the Social Work Exam

Panic Disorder and the Social Work Exam

April 7, 2016  |  knowledge  |  DSM  |  practice

Your client reports occasional "freak outs" during which she experiences: 1. Palpitations 2. Sweating 3. Trembling 4. Shortness of breath 5. Choking feelings 6. Chest pain 7. Nausea 8. Dizziness 9. Chills 10. Numbness 11. Feelings of unreality 12.

knowledge  |  DSM  |  practice

Social Anxiety Disorder and the Social Work Exam

Social Anxiety Disorder and the Social Work Exam

April 2, 2016  |  knowledge  |  DSM

Social anxiety disorder aka SAD aka social phobia is one of those diagnoses, like OCD or PTSD, that many people use casually to describe non-clinical symptoms (eg, "I really don't want to go to that party, my social phobia's kicking in.

knowledge  |  DSM

The Patient Self-Determination Act and the Social Work Exam

The Patient Self-Determination Act and the Social Work Exam

March 9, 2016  |  knowledge

The Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990 directly affects social work clients and social work practice (and social work paperwork). Among other things, it made advance directives a required part of health care. Cancer.


The ADA and the Social Work Exam

The ADA and the Social Work Exam

March 8, 2016  |  knowledge

We continue our survey of social work exam-relevant federal policy. Next up, the Americans with Disabilities Act. Here's some background from ADA.


The Indian Child Welfare Act and the Social Work Exam

The Indian Child Welfare Act and the Social Work Exam

March 7, 2016  |  knowledge

So much of the social work exam is taken up with practice questions--ethics, diagnosis, and the like-- it's easy to forget another giant part of the social work: policy. We'll take a look at some essentials over a series of posts.


Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

August 1, 2015  |  knowledge  |  DSM

Here begins a series of quick posts highlighting big diagnostic changes that appear in DSM-5. First up for spotlighting: Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD).

knowledge  |  DSM

HIPAA and the Social Work Exam

HIPAA and the Social Work Exam

July 8, 2015  |  knowledge  |  quiz

Here's something you can reasonably expect to see covered on the social work licensing exam: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, HIPAA for short.

knowledge  |  quiz

Maslow for the Social Work Exam

Maslow for the Social Work Exam

April 1, 2015  |  knowledge  |  theory

It's Abraham Maslow's birthday (4/1). Happy Birthday, Maslow! It's as good a time as any to review Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Picture it as a big, pyramidal birthday cake, if that helps you get them understood.

knowledge  |  theory

Social Work Case Presentations

Social Work Case Presentations

March 30, 2015  |  knowledge

If you take ASWB exam content outlines to heart, you've got a lot of information to learn before sitting for the social work licensing exam. The outlines (available at


Knowing Bowlby

Knowing Bowlby

February 25, 2015  |  knowledge  |  video

How are you on John Bowlby? Knowing some basic Bowlby is wise as you approach the social work licensing exam. Good news: it's relatively simple, and probably already built in to your understanding of how people work.

knowledge  |  video

Social Work Exam Resource: Wiki Psychology

Social Work Exam Resource: Wiki Psychology

January 29, 2015  |  knowledge

Once upon a time--just a few years back--there was no difficulty locating people who frowned upon using Wikipedia as a reliable source of information. "Crowd-sourced" seemed to equal "iffy." Things change fast.


Residential Treatment and the Social Work Exam

Residential Treatment and the Social Work Exam

January 20, 2015  |  knowledge

If you've been taking social work licensing exam practice questions, you've no doubt encountered items that require you to know when reporting and hospitalization are required.


Jean Piaget and the Social Work Exam

Jean Piaget and the Social Work Exam

August 4, 2014  |  knowledge

August 9th is Jean Piaget's birthday. Consider marking the occasion by brushing up on the parts of Piaget's work that you might encounter on the social work licensing exam. Here's About.


Interpersonal Psychotherapy and the Social Work Exam

Interpersonal Psychotherapy and the Social Work Exam

July 7, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

What is Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)? We could go into some detail, but then Wikipedia has it laid out so nicely, why waste your time?

knowledge  |  theory

Defense Mechanisms and the Social Work Exam

Defense Mechanisms and the Social Work Exam

June 18, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

One way to anticipate what may appear on the social work licensing exam is to think what you might write as a question if the task fell to you.

knowledge  |  theory

The Transtheoretical Model and the Social Work Exam

The Transtheoretical Model and the Social Work Exam

May 27, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

While the social work exam may not refer to the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), there's a pretty good chance you'll encounter an exam question about the Stages of Change.

knowledge  |  theory

Bowenian Family Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Bowenian Family Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 22, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory  |  video

Murray Bowen is credited by some with generating a wholly new way of thinking about human behavior. That new way: Family Systems Theory, put into action as Bowenian Famliy Therapy.

knowledge  |  theory  |  video

Person-Centered Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Person-Centered Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 18, 2014  |  knowledge

Person-Centered Therapy (sometimes PCT) is the default setting for the majority of psychotherapists practicing today.


Crisis Intervention and the Social Work Exam

Crisis Intervention and the Social Work Exam

May 14, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

While touring various theories and interventions that may come up on the social work exam, don't forget to take some time for something that you can be fairly certain to encounter on the big test (and in social work practice): crisis intervention.

knowledge  |  theory

Solution-Focused Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Solution-Focused Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 12, 2014  |  knowledge

Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT; also Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, SFBT) got a mention a couple of posts ago, but deserves some space of its own--it's not unheard of for SFT to show up on the social work licensing exam. What's SFT?


Existential Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Existential Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 8, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

Did you have to read The Stranger or maybe some Sartre in school? If so, you know something about existentialism. If not, or if you need brushing up, here's Merriam-

knowledge  |  theory

Gestalt Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Gestalt Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 5, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

Once you've got down the basics--CBT, DBT, psychodynamic therapy, and the like--you're ready to dig deeper in your licensing exam prep. That means you'll be putting together knowledge about material that may not actually appear on the exam.

knowledge  |  theory

Psychodynamic Therapy and the Social Work Exam

Psychodynamic Therapy and the Social Work Exam

May 3, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

For most vignette questions on the social work licensing exam where a client presents with a problem and the social worker needs to choose the BEST intervention, you'll be given a choice between something here-and-now, problem-

knowledge  |  theory

DBT and the Social Work Exam

DBT and the Social Work Exam

April 21, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

Here's another therapy you shouldn't be surprised to see appear on the social work licensing exam: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). What's DBT? Here are some quick answers to that question--

knowledge  |  theory

CBT and the Social Work Exam

CBT and the Social Work Exam

April 8, 2014  |  knowledge  |  theory

A good general guideline for the social work licensing exam: "When in doubt, it's CBT." Why? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is research validated therapy practice. That is, it works--studies say so.

knowledge  |  theory

Social Work Exam Resource: Human Development Theory

Social Work Exam Resource: Human Development Theory

March 19, 2014  |  knowledge

Part of effective prepping for the social work licensing exam is gauging just how much is necessary to know about a given topic to get through the test. There's so much information that can potentially end up on the exam.


Social Workers and Subpoenas

Social Workers and Subpoenas

December 2, 2013  |  knowledge

You can cross your fingers through your entire social work career and hope to never receive a subpoena. But that's a lot of finger-crossing, and finger-crossing's unlikely to help you on the social work licensing exam.


Salvador Minuchin for Social Workers

Salvador Minuchin for Social Workers

October 13, 2013  |  knowledge

Posting on Salvador Minuchin's birthday (October 13th). A good day for brushing up on Structural Family Therapy for the social work exam.


Behavioral Psych and the Social Work Exam

Behavioral Psych and the Social Work Exam

October 10, 2013  |  knowledge  |  quiz

The principles of behavioral psychology are easy to learn...and just as easy to confuse or forget.

knowledge  |  quiz

Kohlberg and the Social Work Exam

Kohlberg and the Social Work Exam

October 2, 2013  |  knowledge  |  video  |  theory

Worth reviewing for the social work licensing exam, Lawrence Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development. Pick your source--they all say more-or-less the same thing: from SimplyPsych from Wikipedia from About Here's a video walk-

knowledge  |  video  |  theory

Erik Erikson and the Social Work Exam

Erik Erikson and the Social Work Exam

September 19, 2013  |  knowledge  |  quiz

Here's more material you may have known for a moment in school and then forgotten: Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development. Now worth reviewing as you prepare for the social work licensing exam.  About.

knowledge  |  quiz

Freud and the Social Work Exam

Freud and the Social Work Exam

September 13, 2013  |  knowledge  |  video

Try SWTP's Freud Primer--everything you could possibly need to know on the topic for the exam. Or, via AllPsych.

knowledge  |  video

Mental Disorders from A to Z

Mental Disorders from A to Z

September 5, 2013  |  materials  |  knowledge

The Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders offers quick definitions of psych concepts from the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (not on the exam) to Zolpidem (a med also not likely to show on the exam).

materials  |  knowledge

Encyclopedia of Social Work Online

Encyclopedia of Social Work Online

July 24, 2013  |  knowledge

The NASW and Oxford University Press have launched a new, online Encyclopedia of Social Work. It's not clear what access will cost, but the whole site is free through August, 2013. Great for free social work exam prepping for now.


Ethical Decision-Making in Social Work

Ethical Decision-Making in Social Work

July 2, 2013  |  knowledge  |  ethics

Looking for more guidance about social work ethics? Here's a textbook, Ethical Decision-Making in Social Work, by Wade Robison and Linda Cherrey Reeser, posted in its entirety by the Rochester Institute of Technology.  No charge.

knowledge  |  ethics

Erikson, Piaget, and Kohlberg Stages

Erikson, Piaget, and Kohlberg Stages

June 28, 2013  |  knowledge

From, here are Erikson, Piaget, and Kohlberg's stages laid out and photo-accompanied for your exam prepping needs.


LCSW Exam Help

LCSW Exam Help

February 5, 2013  |  knowledge

Load up on exam-friendly psych knowledge at Simply Psychology.  The site includes entries about psych basics and beyond from A (Abnormal Psychology) to Z (Zone of Proximal Development).


Understanding Attachment Theory

Understanding Attachment Theory

January 17, 2013  |  knowledge  |  video  |  theory

Attachment in eight minutes: Find more helpful video on SWTP's YouTube channel. Too long; didn't watch?

knowledge  |  video  |  theory

Psychology 101

Psychology 101

January 14, 2013  |  knowledge  |  quiz

Looking for free review of the psych basics that might be covered on the social work exam? You could do much worse than the Psychology 101 course offered on

knowledge  |  quiz

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing

January 13, 2013  |  knowledge  |  video

Good to know for the exam: Motivational Interviewing. A definition from now-lost SAMSHA pages (use these UMASS training pages instead): [A] collaborative, person-centered form of guiding to elicit and strengthen motivation for change.

knowledge  |  video

Family Systems Therapy

Family Systems Therapy

January 12, 2013  |  knowledge

Everything you ever wanted to know about Family Systems Therapy (or may need to know to help you pass the ASWB exam) is here (Psychology Today).


Studying for the Social Work Exam

Studying for the Social Work Exam

December 13, 2012  |  aswb  |  knowledge

Or just check out this best ways to study for the social work exam list: Start early. The earlier you start studying, the more time you will have to cover the material and the less stressed you will feel. Create a study schedule.

aswb  |  knowledge

Code of Ethics: Confidentiality

Code of Ethics: Confidentiality

December 2, 2012  |  knowledge

Section 1.07 of the NASW Code of Ethics--Privacy and Confidentiality.  Know it, learn it, exam it.  It begins like this: (a) Social workers should respect clients' right to privacy.


LCSW Study Buddy

LCSW Study Buddy

September 17, 2010  |  knowledge

A welcome to new social work exam blog, LCSW Study Buddy.  Just a handful of posts up as of this writing, but useful stuff and made fun, as in this post looking at ego defenses as exemplified by Friends characters.  From there: Intellectualization --


Code of Ethics: Physical Contact

Code of Ethics: Physical Contact

March 4, 2010  |  knowledge

You may get a "hug" question on the social work exam.  Let the Code of Ethics be your guide: 1.


Code of Ethics: Social and Political Action

Code of Ethics: Social and Political Action

February 15, 2010  |  knowledge

For your Presidents Day review, section 6.04 of the NASW's Code of Ethics, "Social and Political Action.


Code of Ethics: Payment for Services

Code of Ethics: Payment for Services

January 28, 2010  |  knowledge

Another test-prep helping code of ethics section for your review: Payment for Services. 1.13 Payment for Services (a) When setting fees, social workers should ensure that the fees are fair, reasonable, and commensurate with the services performed.


Informed Consent

Informed Consent

January 25, 2010  |  knowledge

Not a fill-in-the-blank, not a multiple choice, just an excerpt, 'cause you need to know this.  Section 1.03 of the Code of Ethics: Informed Consent.


Glossary of Psychiatric Terms

Glossary of Psychiatric Terms

November 10, 2009  |  knowledge

On Wikipedia, here's a glossary of psychiatric terms, from abreaction to zoophilia. May come in handy.  Abreaction, by the way, is--says Wikipedia--a process of vividly reliving repressed memories and emotions related to a past event.




August 5, 2009  |  knowledge

Sorting through the DSM alphabet: Intermittent Explosive Disorder Intermittent explosive disorder is characterized by repeated episodes of aggressive, violent behavior in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation.


DSM-IV Training Guide

DSM-IV Training Guide

August 5, 2009  |  knowledge

Hey, check it out. DSM help in a book. Exam-prep-o-riffic. Happy browsing... UPDATE: Here's DSM-5 help via the same source. The ASWB exam assesses social workers' knowledge and understanding of the DSM.


Primary Insomnia

Primary Insomnia

July 31, 2009  |  knowledge

Via emedicine: Primary insomnia is sleeplessness that is not attributable to a medical, psychiatric, or environmental cause. Case study A 56-year-old woman reports difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.


Social Work Exam Review

Social Work Exam Review

July 21, 2009  |  knowledge

Rereading some old material as prep for exam #2, jotted down a list of stuff I'd half-forgotten or just plain didn't know any more. Follow links to (more complete) defs. Echolalia is the repetition of vocalizations made by another person.


Bipolar I, II, and Cyclothymia

Bipolar I, II, and Cyclothymia

May 12, 2009  |  knowledge

Gotta know 'em.  Wikipedia is happy to help. It's helpful to draw out a little grid with the whole gang of mood swings:  MDD (big down), Dysthymia (medium down, 2+ years), Bipolar I (big up), Bipolar II (medium up), Cyclothymia (medium swings).


Major Depression v. Dysthymia

Major Depression v. Dysthymia

May 8, 2009  |  knowledge

Differential of the day, MDD v. Dysthymia. From the EofMDs: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a condition characterized by a long-lasting depressed mood or marked loss of interest or pleasure (anhedonia) in all or nearly all activities.




May 5, 2009  |  knowledge

To know:  the difference between Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder.  Take it away, Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders... Obsessive-compulsive disorder Obsessive-


Dementia v. Delirium

Dementia v. Delirium

April 28, 2009  |  knowledge

Something to know: The difference between dementia and delirium. Dementia (according to the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders): not a specific disorder or disease.


Somatization Disorder

Somatization Disorder

April 19, 2009  |  knowledge

From the practice tests to the Wiki of the day: Somatization Disorder. The criteria--pulled from the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders--


Identity Problem

Identity Problem

April 15, 2009  |  knowledge  |  vignette

This came up running vignette practice questions.  What exactly is an Identity Problem in the DSM?  An answer: Identity Problems are characterized by severe distress and uncertainty about issues related to identity, such as long-

knowledge  |  vignette

Preoperational Stage - Lack of Conservation

Preoperational Stage - Lack of Conservation

March 25, 2009  |  knowledge  |  video

Or, How to Share Crackers with a Kid If You're Mean and/or Really Hungry.  Here's a whole article on Paiget's preoperational stage, if you'd like a deeper dive. On conservation: [A]well-

knowledge  |  video

Murray Bowen

Murray Bowen

March 13, 2009  |  theory  |  knowledge  |  video

What do these concepts all have in common?

theory  |  knowledge  |  video

Teen Reporting CA

Teen Reporting CA

March 6, 2009  |  knowledge

LCSW bound (meaning licensed in California)? You need to know this stuff. Here, for everyone else USA, are the reporting numbers and websites nationwide. ALWAYS REPORTABLE:• Under 18 (14-17 years)1.


Delusions of...

Delusions of...

March 1, 2009  |  knowledge  |  quiz

knowledge  |  quiz

Quiz: Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

Quiz: Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

February 16, 2009  |  knowledge  |  quiz  |  video

Quick quiz: Name the three levels in Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development (via  Wikipedia). Answer in Comments. Level 1: ______________1. Obedience and punishment orientation(How can I avoid punishment?)2. Self-

knowledge  |  quiz  |  video